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  1. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    So it's pakistani punjabis now and not Pakistanis, wow that was a quick turn around. You guys still worship the those Central Asian invaders who conquered you gave you Hinduism and you still worship them and you have the audacity to point fingers at others.
  2. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    A short little blip, 40 years max and it disappeared, hardly a long term and large rule. Just a little blip in the history of these lands.
  3. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Oh please that's just nonsense, atleast try to feed your people before making such tall claims. Now you run it yourself and it's poverty ridden, so we seen the ability of you people. Shining India is just for a few the rest you can read up on international media.
  4. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Well by that logic India should be still under the British as they introduced industry, railways education etc etc don't you think?.
  5. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Afghan?, see once your tiny brain missed the part I am a Pakistani. Is that the best you can come out after with your stupid and full of nonsense post.
  6. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    How is it identity crisis, I am a pakistani a Pukhtoon and there are millions like me who are Pakistani Pukhtoons, so was Abdali so why shouldn't we praise him?. He shares our blood our language our heritage so tell me why can't we praise him?. Pakistan is a bit bigger then you think, but I...
  7. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Abdali is an Ebodal, Period.
  8. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    But Gandhara, Harrapa again big genetic difference between them and the Dravidians, so would it be fair to say that these people were foreign?.
  9. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Really but some here were saying the people of Indus Valley civilisation were Dravidians. So who is right is who is wrong as genetics are not the same for Dravidians and Punjabis.
  10. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    So who is the native and original inhabitant of Punjab?, who has that claim?. But once these people were invaders too weren't they?.
  11. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    What is racially a punjabi?.
  12. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    That's hardly answered the question but I understand if you don't wish to. There rule was on small scale, the land under them was in no size as considerable as the khiljis, Ghurids, lodhis, Mughals the British.
  13. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Sikhs how many times was there rule and for how long ?. Once and for a short while if I am not mistaken.
  14. ghilzai

    Trying to sell small arms, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia: Sartaj

    No do I care for Arab or Iran but if we had to choose then obviously we will choose people who we share heritage and culture with. Obviously Pakistan comes first. Ps @Hyperion is not a ghilzai so he thinks different.
  15. ghilzai

    Trying to sell small arms, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia: Sartaj

    Each to their own. Pakistan should mind it's own business and develop itself, it shouldn't support Arabs or anyone else for that matter. We are Pukhtoons we were that before and after Islam, religion doesn't matter our kind and our country does.
  16. ghilzai

    Trying to sell small arms, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia: Sartaj

    Arabs treat you as an equal do they?. Well numbers will come roll that smoke wagon and see what happens. I told you religion doesn't matter, before it I was a ghilzai after it am still a ghilzai. Taliban didn't have numbers and fire power and then what happened, look around you. You wanna...
  17. ghilzai

    Trying to sell small arms, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia: Sartaj

    Your countrymen are not all Shias but Sunnis, they see it not through the prism of Shiasm but through blood and heritage. Sunni or Shia Iranians are our people we will always support them against Arabs and even if it means killing our countrymen along the way who support Arabs then be it...
  18. ghilzai

    Nawaz sharif was allowed to visit his father in Pak, Mush also allowed NS, SS to get treatment in UK

    They killed more innocent people then they did the terrorists. Anyway he deserves hanging, I am not going to argue with you, and I hope his mother dies a horrible death too.
  19. ghilzai

    Nawaz sharif was allowed to visit his father in Pak, Mush also allowed NS, SS to get treatment in UK

    I see your ethnic love is limitless for your fellow Urdu speaker, regardless if he was a murderer a traitor, a man who took dollars for drones.
  20. ghilzai

    Khilji, the first Afghan dyansty of Hindostan

    Well they do, hence ASI & ANI, you can't hide the facts.
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