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  1. S

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    I'm very skeptical about China purchasing drones from Iran. China purchased the Harpy from the Israelis in the 1990s. China unveiled its own variant in 2017, the ASN-301 / JWS-01. It's dimensions and stats are extremely similar to the Shahed-131 China also has a hypersonic...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Ukraine tried to extract the Leopard 2 tanks & Bradley IFVs that were destroyed yesterday. 5 more Bradley fighting vehicles were destroyed in the process.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Oh boy... Leopard2A6 & Bradley fighting vehicles (4X) destroyed & burning this morning
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Ukrainian ammo depot in Uman, central Ukraine targeted last night
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    It has been confirmed. Leopard 2 tanks have been destroyed in the Zaporizhia region of Ukraine. I'm not sure why so many people are in complete shock ? The Ukrainians don't have any air cover & no weapon or army is invincible. American weapons performed the way they did in Iraq / Afghanistan...
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    I've said this before. I think what it boils down to is that, let's say Iran needs some component, maybe 5000 units. They could likely build it from scratch but when you have a manufacturer in China mass producing hundreds of thousands of millions of units, it's just going to be cheaper to buy...
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Can you believe this nonsense https://www.usip.org/publications/2023/06/talibans-successful-opium-ban-bad-afghans-and-world
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    I'm skeptical about China buying Iranian drones. I've read that China has already produced a Shahed-136 drone. Chinese are the masters of copying products& it's currently the most industrialized nation in the world, with the US being number 2. List of top 10 most industrialized nations in the...
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    So the Russians are using Mohajer-6s, albeit in small numbers. Russia allegedly brought down their own drone by accident in Crimea
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    During the last 3-4 days, Ukraine has been launching wave after wave of armored vehicles & tanks towards fortified Russian positions in Zaporizhia. It hasn't been going according to plan. Dozens of armored vehicles have been destroyed & abandoned including several French AMX-10 AFVs. This can be...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Is the warhead a HGV or MARV ?
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I was hoping for a HGV (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle) but this is still progress. Although why couldn't they come up with a more original name ? How many weapons are called Fateh or Fatah ? or Toophan ? Saeghe ? How hard is it to come up with a unique name ?
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    The war in Ukraine is an attritional, artillery centric war and Russia fires 10x as much artillery shells on a daily basis. Based on that it's not far fetched to assume that Ukraine has incurred several times more casualties than Russia. Not only that but Russia currently has a population of 140...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

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    Iranian Chill Thread

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    Iranian Chill Thread

    According to Rybar, the US has given the YPG/SDF in Syria several HIMARS batteries. Officially this has been done to counter Iranian backed militias.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

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    Iranian Chill Thread

    FALL IMAGE: The Taliban army has better rifles than Iran's military. Each Taliban soldier has new a new M-16/AR-15. Meanwhile most Iranian troops are still using G3s from the Shah era. It's about time Iran mass produces the HK-417 analog (MASAF) they made
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    If the US pressures them sufficiently, they likely will confiscate the Iranian planes. However it will most likely end just like all the times various nations confiscated Iranian oil tankers in the past. Even if the worse they do is refuse to refuel the planes, the result is the same. Those...
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