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  1. G

    Iranian Space program

    ICBM test this summer? Can,t wait to see that solid fuel beast
  2. G

    Iranian Space program

    Upper stage sucks If the upper stage cant boost 113kg satellite to the necessary speed how can it boost 250kg satellites it was originally designed for?
  3. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    It seems like warhead separates and maneuvers toward the target----as a maneuvering warhead we can assume it can overcome anti-ballistic missile defenses and hit the target with high precision
  4. G

    Iranian Space program

    Module configurations for SLVs There is Falcon 9 and then they add additional 2 first stages of Falcon 9 as Boosters and you get Falcon 9 HEAVY with 3 times more payload There is Angara rocket and then they add additional 4 first stages as boosters and your payload increases 5 times So we can...
  5. G

    Iranian Space program

    It appears to be clear: Sarir SLV has a payload of 1000kg to LEO and 500kg to SSO and will be launched in the period between 2021-2024 Sourush SLV has a payload of 1000kg to GEO and since it can put 1t to GEO its payload to LEO is between 2-3 tons---enough to carry space capsule that weights...
  6. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    It seems like it is impossbile to convince you and you continue to post nonsense, probably because "You do not understand much about of warfare even in theory" (how you wrote in one of your posts...). I will make some replies anyway: 1) You post sources claiming Patriot successfully...
  7. G

    Iranian Space program

    I think they will launch an astranaut in 2029---50th aniversary of Islamic Revolution https://en.mehrnews.com/news/155293/Iran-takes-1st-step-for-sending-astronaut-to-space-ICT-min
  8. G

    SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

    So Sarir "can carry an over 500kg payload" or "Send 1-ton Satellite into Orbit by 2024" Which one is true for Sarir----"500kg payload" or "1 ton until 2024"?
  9. G

    Iranian Space program

    Iran Plans to Send 1-ton Satellite into Orbit by 2024 https://en.farsnews.ir/newstext.aspx?nn=13981114000268 According to this article Iran will launch 1 ton satellite into space in a period from 2022-2024....it is obvious that SLV that will launch it will be Sarir----so claims that Sarir can...
  10. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    88 primitive missiles with poor accuracy----they were able to threaten only area targets like cities--they were a weapon of terror----no surprise Saddam --knowing poor accuracy of his missiles and inability to destroy high value targets --instead preferred to attack Tel Aviv and Riyadh 88...
  11. G

    Head Of Iran's IRGC Operations In Syria Killed Near Aleppo

    Khamenei dreams of Shia crescent from Beirut to Tehran--protected by Iranian nukes and military bases----- while Erdogan dreams of reviving the Ottoman empire.
  12. G

    Iranian Space program

    If Soroush can put 1000kg into GEO, it might be able to put 3000kg into LEO which is not bad We need to elaborate claim of 1000kg to GEO.... Soroush appears to be the same Sarir, but with slightly prolonged 1st and 2nd stage plus 4 booster in the first stage---it might be easy to build after...
  13. G

    Iranian Space program

    500kg for Sarir and 1000kg for Soroush...not impressed...this is what happens when you continue playing with Scud engines based on low energy propellants. Waiting for Qaem solid fuel SLV And hope it can deliver more than a tonn to LEO
  14. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    You dont know who Uzi Rubin is, call him a TV expert who is less informed than you (while claiming that you "make your own analysis" LOL) Claim that US will preemt strike at Iranian TELs and missile bases, even despite TELs are mobile while missile bases are 500m underground and protected by...
  15. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    Yeah, you are free to expand on that. Tell us about ABM interceptors that are few in quantity,10 times more expensive than their targets, and tend to fail in tests and real warfare situations
  16. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    It is you who don,t understand anything neither in theory nor in practice. For example your claim of how US will target mobile TELs is just one example of your ignorance....even after establishing air superiority in Desert Storm US failed to find and destroy Iraqi TELs in the open desert of a...
  17. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    Regarding moving targets like ships there is Persian Gulf anti-ship ballistic missile. You dont want aircraft carrier to look like those buildings in Ain al Assad
  18. G

    The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

    Saddam,s missiles had a CEP of 1km.....they were a weapon of terror and couldnt be used against strategic targets. Iranian missiles with 5m accuracy can target anything from powerplant or refinery in Saudi Arabia to closely parked under open air F-35s in the airbase in UAE
  19. G

    Iranian Space program

    Since Iran originally planned to send astranaut by 2021 and later planned a 1 ton payload SLV in its 2016-2020 five year plan....we can assume that Sarir will be ready by 2021 (year 1400) Probably, Sarir will fly for 4-5 years and then in 2026 Soroush will be ready... I don,t think it will be...
  20. G

    SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

    Well even Space X doesn,t have a 4m diameter rocket....this is huge.... Soroush is 4m with boosters.....the real question is Soroush's payload to LEO
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