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  1. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    However this doesn't change the widely accepted fact of crucial nature of airpower. There are myriads of examples of recent wars in which air power was crucial... Beyond the examples I posted in this thread....We can look at example of NATO bombing campaign against Libya in 2011.... Qaddafi...
  2. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Bye....and think about my advice to start own military academy with specialization on missiles.
  3. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Ridiculous is your stupidity and what you claim about airpower..... Another reason is air support for attacking Israeli army...go learn some facts, kid...and call me when your crappy missiles take out enemy's airfield with the same effect as Israel did in 1967 So why do you waste time on...
  4. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    You can believe whatever you want...A person who believes airpower is useless and missiles are better....you need to write your own personal military theory and maybe entire world will listen to you and disarm their air forces and stick to missiles. LOL
  5. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Who cares about the difference between jet fighter and wwii airplanes...germans produced first cruise/ballistic/anti-ship/air defense/anti-tank and smart bomb....Yet they lost the war...because war is not just about making 1700 hits at powerplants and airfields. And yes it was me who opened a...
  6. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    You totally embarrassed yourself by contradicting globally accepted military theory probably you done it because of your ignorance---Like a total amateur you try to prove that airpower is uselss (which is laughable) and that ballistic missiles can be a substitute for airpower, which is laughable...
  7. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    People here seriously believe that Iran might have 10.000-18.000 ballistic missiles ---if this number is true then it makes Iran the country with THE LARGEST MISSILE FORCE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, despite the fact that it is accepted that it is China -the country with the largest missile force in...
  8. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Turkish exports brings 180bln$ of hard currency to Turkish market-----plus 34bln$ from tourist---plus 20bln$ from capital inflows Overall some 234bln$ dollars of hard currency inflows into Turkey each year......If 34bln$ from tourists disappear (15% of hard currency flow)----Turkish currency...
  9. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Since tourism accounts for 2% of Turkish GDP,if suddenly all tourists disappear, 80mln Turkish state will barely notice it....
  10. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    The problem is that this is not just my opinion....This is military theory accepted all over the world... That air force is used to support own ground force by degrading enemy ground forces, infrastructure, provide close air support, paralyze enemy supply lines and prevent reinforcements from...
  11. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    you can continue living in a world with own theory of warfare backed by 1-2 "experts" believing that 2700 missiles is better than air force... But once you exhausted your missiles in several days and war is still going and military balance is not shattered while enemy air force makes hundreds...
  12. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    No. First Japanese military machine was paralyzed when US imposed a naval blockade against Japan and isolated it from oil and iron ore coming from South East Asia Then was destruction of the Kwantung army in China by the Soviets Then it was nuclear bomb Defeat of Kwantung Army and crippling...
  13. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    The point of the posts above are these: 1) airforce is crap----better buy ballistic missiles----only Iran does it because it CAN while the rest of the world can't---Iran is smarter than the rest of the stupid world who spend billions buying useless planes instead of developing and producing own...
  14. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    And even if you can damage enemy infrastructure with ballistic missiles (expensive single shots) what will you do against enemy's ground force? Lets imagine Iran-Turkish war---how ballistic missiles can defeat Turkish ground forces? Airpower, however, can provide close air support, delivering...
  15. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    If your theory were right, then entire world would have armed themselves with ballistic missiles instead of fighter jets.... War is not just about destroying enemy powerplant, or temporarily shut down an airfield. Ballistic missiles can not be a substitute for airpower. Unlike airpower...
  16. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Could ballistic missiles change the balance of power in Syrian Civil War and create conditions for Assad's victory----Answer--No! However several dozens of Russian bombers changed the entire balance of power in Syrian Civil War in Assad's favor and the result is Assad's victory Could ballistic...
  17. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Ballistic missiles are expensive and are not reusable, unlike fighter/bomber aircraft. Purchase of aircrafts by Iran substantially changes the balance of power in the region. And Saudis are terrified.
  18. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    But Saudis have 500bln$ in forex reserves and 200bln$ in Investment fund Of course oil price is low, but when shale oil in US gets bankrupted because of this low oil prices, oil price will eventually increase and Saudis will earn even more cash in the near future. Aircraft sales to Iran is a...
  19. G

    U.S. Will Not Let Iran Buy Arms When U.N. Embargo Ends: Pompeo

    Speaking realistically, Saudi Arabia will prevent Iran from acquiring fighter aircrafts from Russia and China. If Russia will agree to sell, lets say, 100 Su-35s to Iran...Saudis will use their deep pockets to prevent this-----they will offer Putin a better deal that makes more benefits to...
  20. G

    Iran needs to develop biological weapons

    Pompeo says 'enormous evidence' coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-03/pompeo-says-enormous-evidence-links-virus-to-wuhan-laboratory
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