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  1. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Kamis, 15/01/2015 11:19 WIB Pesawat Tempur Sukhoi SU-35 Jadi Pilihan TNI AU Gantikan F-5 yang Menua Rina Atriana - detikNews Jakarta - Pesawat tempur TNI AU F-5 dinilai sudah mulai menua. Tim dari TNI AU telah melakukan sejumlah kajian untuk mencari pengganti pesawat buatan Amerika Serikat...
  2. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Right now we only have: F-16 2 squad Sukhoi 1 T-50 1 Tucano 1 Hawk 2 F-5 1 A total of 8 so we need 4 more not counting the F-5 replacement. Jokowi govt seldom mention about Air force and air defense military modernization. He focused more on...
  3. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    LOOKS like TNI is not buying any new MRF they are more focus on maintainance and structural upgrade.. I think they will looks for more free f-16 from USA to replace their F-5. Forget about SU35, EF2000 or Gripen.
  4. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Jokowi visits korea shipbuilding. Busan (Reuters) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) review the shipbuilding company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) in Busan, South Korea, Thursday. In the review of, the President was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Jokowo...
  5. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Should be about the BMP-3f tank I think....
  6. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    they are using indonesian flag to trick the TNI
  7. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    No new equipments??? zzz boring already
  8. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia threatens missile attacks against intrusions in South China, Celebes seas Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International 25 November 2014 Tensions near the South China Sea region have been raised a notch after Indonesia indicated that it is considering deploying...
  9. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Produk pertahanan karya lokal kualitas internasional Sabtu, 22 November 2014 08:20 WIB | 4.443 Views Oleh Roy Rosa Bachtiar Produk pertahanan karya lokal kualitas internasional ilustrasi - Eurofighter Typhoon (pesawat tempur multi-peran) di udara dengan sinar laser terlihat dalam presentasi dan...
  10. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    JAKARTA, November 6. /TASS/. Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu familiarized himself on Thursday with Russian exhibits at INDO Defense 2014 exhibition, TASS reported from the site. The minister showed a special interest in means of close combat – sniper rifles, pistols, machine-guns...
  11. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia shows interest in buying Russian-made military equipment printable version 7 November 2014 Indonesia shows great interest towards the products of Russia's defense industry, a spokesperson for Russia's state-owned high-tech Rostec Corporation told RIA Novosti Friday. "This year...
  12. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ryamizard Pushing for Indonesian Defense Budget Increase, Citing Shortfall Defense spending takes up 0.8 percent of the total state budget By Kennial Caroline Laia & Yeremia Sukoyo on 12:05 am Nov 07, 2014 Category Featured, News, Politics Tags: Gen. Moeldoko, Indo Defence 2014, Indonesian...
  13. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Airbus Group Ingin Perluas Kerjasama dengan Indonesia Berita Terkini | 2014-11-08 14:04:42 | 27 Kali Dibaca Jakarta, DMC – Di sela-sela kegiatan “Indo Defence 2014 Expo & Forum”, pameran industri pertahanan berskala internasional keenam yang digelar oleh Kementerian Pertahanan, Menteri...
  14. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Air Platforms IndoDefence 2014: UAC announces Su-35 bid for Indonesian fighter competition Jon Grevatt, Jakarta - IHS Jane's Defence Industry 05 November 2014 Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is the latest industrial enterprise to announce a bid, offering its Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E'...
  15. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia beli 11 helikopter airbus anti-kapal selam Rabu, 5 November 2014 13:37 WIB | 406 Views Pewarta: Syaiful Hakim Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Pertahanan akan membeli sebelas helikopter rotorcraft Airbus AS565 MBe Panther untuk meningkatkan kemampuan...
  16. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    JOKOWI BATAL BUKA INDO DEFENCE 2104 TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo batal menghadiri pembukaan Indo Defence 2014 yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat. Anggota panitia penyelenggara, Rahmat Susanto, mengatakan kabar tersebut diterima panitia dari...
  17. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    INDODEFENCE 2014 Indonesia opens its doors [ID14D1] IHS JANE'S 04 November 2014 Hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, the sixth edition of the biennial Indo Defence 2014 Expo and Forum brings together industry professionals, political and military o cials and international...
  18. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Kalau ga salah juga harus bawa kartu nama?? Bos, jangan lupa Foto biar banyak booth Eurofighter, Sukhoi aviation, Saab gripen, roxoboronexport S300 dan di share di sini. Minister of defense considering F-35?? should be SU35 I think...?? Must be a mistake by The Jakarta Post..never heard of...
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