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  1. Bengal Tiger 71

    Violence in Rakhine State: Deadly attacks in Myanmar kill 89

    Summoning Myanmar envoy, strong protest in Dhaka The use of the word 'Bangali' with the internal terrorist attack of Rakhine state of Miyaram and the strong opposition to Burmese protests prompted Rohingya to join the team. The protesters were summoned by the Myanmar envoy to Dhaka on Saturday...
  2. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    ok i agree with u if the FG is completed, despite of that main subject is our mentality.we want or not always we are silent about many matters which is related with neighbors. u know what i mean.sometime frustration comes for our leaderships.
  3. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    whats our problem!!!
  4. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    These all armaments are basic part of navy but some thing need which will give extra benefit, if some one want to attack then they will think twice.
  5. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh and Myanmar interested in Mig 35

    Really BD interested for mig 35? or some one motivating. which is better Mig 35 or Su 30?
  6. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh and Myanmar interested in Mig 35

    Lockheed martin also rejected to supply F-16 to India.
  7. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    At present BNS BB is enough for BD? or BN need destroyer for extra edge.
  8. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    Which one is better for good arms carrying Kyan Sittha Class or BNS BB (Ulsan Class).
  9. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    BAF should go for J10 model latest version.
  10. Bengal Tiger 71

    Prepare for massive flood in August

    বাংলাদেশের চলমান বন্যার জন্য উজানের দেশ ভারত দায়ী : ফারাক্কা কমিটি বাংলাদেশে চলমান বন্যার জন্য উজানের দেশ অর্থাৎ ভারত থেকে নেমে আসা পানিকেই দায়ী করেছেন আন্তর্জাতিক ফারাক্কা কমিটি নিউইয়র্ক ও বাংলাদেশ কমিটি। শনিবার ঢাকায় আয়োজিত আন্তর্জাতিক ফারাক্কা কমিটির এক যৌথ সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এ কথা জানানো হয়।...
  11. Bengal Tiger 71

    How Far Away Bangladesh For Complete The Forces Goal 2030''

    Army Upgradation of Type 59 to Type 59G Durjoy tanks Establishing BTR-80 overhauling plant. Assembling WS-22 MRLS at Bangladesh Machine Tools Factory (BMTF) Making and developing BD-08 Automatic Assault Rifle and LMG at Bangladesh Ordnance Factories (BOF) Making BD-14 General Purpose Machine...
  12. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Army

    Last time Myanmar BGP kidnapped one BGB soldier from naff river when BGB patrolling by trawler, i think they were only few soldier other wise they can't easily took him. if now BGB procure this speed boats then at least 15-20 soldier need to be in one patrolling team.
  13. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    Getting TOT is excellent. first lower then we will capable of long distance missiles production.
  14. Bengal Tiger 71

    Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing - Updates & Discussions

    BGB is ready to stop the impact of Rakhine unrest on the border. Border Guard Bangladesh-Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) is preparing to deploy additional troops in the cities of Myanmar near the border and prevent any kind of 'potential' instability in Rakhine. BGB's Additional Director General...
  15. Bengal Tiger 71

    Recognizing india is enemy - is the biggest accomplishment for Bangladeshis

    কলকাতা বাংলাদেশের না হওয়ায় হতাশ ছিলেন বঙ্গবন্ধু ইংরেজদের কাছ থেকে স্বাধীনতা লাভের সময় ভারতভাগের পটভূমি আর ঘটনাবলীর বর্ণনা আর বিশ্লেষণ করে বিস্তারিত লিখেছেন তৎকালীন তরুণ নেতা শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান। পরবর্তী সময়ে যিনি হয়েছেন বাংলাদেশের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা রাষ্ট্রপতি। শেখ মুজিব সক্রিয় ছিলেন তখনকার...
  16. Bengal Tiger 71

    India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

    which land u demanding yourself, West Bengal, Tripura, Asam, Mizoram, Meghaloy all are belongs to Bangladesh. India looted it from BD 1947.they are living their own land understand u loafer people.
  17. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Navy

    BN are going to made frigate ingenuously, so if one destroyer added in the BN fleet that will be excellent.
  18. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Army awards $1 billion APC contract to Turkey

    So many APC are going to procure BD Army from Russia & Turkey.
  19. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    i think now BAF should go for SU30 SME at least 2 sqd & wait for 5 generation fleet of China j31. all countries are going to modernize their air fleet with 5 generation aircraft.so now su30 & next 5 gen. great combination.
  20. Bengal Tiger 71

    Dhaka-Beijing defence ties to strengthen

    Cowdians are always think they are cleaver!!
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