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  1. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Vietnam & Indonesia have a lot of similarities than what people thought, civil-military regional system, culture, even the food are suprisingly identical So yeah, no need for Indonesia to be hostile to Vietnam nor other ASEAN nation for that matter No A6 like what Canada has...oh well are all...
  2. Dante

    PAK-FA takes to the sky!

    well sir i think PAK FA would be a serious contender for F22, and probably surpasses F35 Stealthiness isnt everything and RCS is only one factor in the whole fighter jet combat system. Even with F35, many analyst doubted its stealthiness against SU30 & SU35 radar
  3. Dante

    Libya to get T 90 Tanks and S-400 Air defence System

    Indonesia never interested with MBT, its never work in Indonesian terrain, too heavy
  4. Dante

    Indonesia to Hand over CN-235 MPA to South Korea by End of 2010

    DI develops and builds CN 235 for almost 20 years now CN 235 is mainly for commercial and military transport, and marine patrol, DI plan to builds ASW version but currently they dont have the money to do that PAC, I think, in much better condition than DI, and right now they builds fighter...
  5. Dante

    Pakistan and Second-strike

    hi, I know little about nuclear warfare, so correct me if im wrong, from what i understand, 1st strike usually targetting air and strategic missilles bases, simply because these bases are detecable, so submarine-launch and nuclear-capable ballistic/cruise missille is important to make sure...
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