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  1. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Moderate Terrorists in 3 pictures

    What does this terrorist praising scum in response to such a crime? They only step up their lies campaign...
  2. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    The Fake Barrel Bomb Thread where ammunition depots are babies You have no idea what you are talking about. Nonsense barrel bombed. Syrian "Rebels" AA-System:
  3. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    So they bombed police officers? What´s your point? See? You can learn from Assad how to fight terrorists. If they didn´t flee, they aren´t refugees. So, they fled. No civilians there, got it? This is apparently a normal, regular bomb on a counter-terrorism mission. Crazy conspiracy with your...
  4. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    I don´t think so. However, it is evident that Israeli airstrikes do not harm Hamas but civilians. I am even going further and claim that the Israeli Zionists hazard the consequences of Hamas rocket attacks for Israeli citizens. While the Israeli government was involved in the creation of Hamas...
  5. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    It is an UN figure (Israeli claim: 50 %, which isn´t really presentable) Syrian refugees flee from Western backed terrorists. Without foreign support for terrorists, the war would have been over long ago. It is funny how you speak of 10 million refugees and then claim the Syrians bomb civilians...
  6. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    So you are spreading your fairy tales about barrel bombs and targeting civilians while 70 % of the casualties produced by the Israeli airforce are civilian? vox com /2014/7/30/5937119/palestinian-civilian-casualties-gaza-israel
  7. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    It´s a claim without source. The pictures of the "leaflets" appeared already in 2015. So, it may be true but probably isn´t. Anyway, Syria does not obtain approval for anything they do in their country. And the Russians would probably drop such leaflets themselves without Putin´s and Lavrov´s...
  8. Barrel Bomb

    Iran steps up recruitment of Shiite mercenaries for Syrian war

    They help fighting the most gruesome forces the world witnesses today. And if a billion scumbags post their al-Qaeda propaganda on the Internet each day, they will keep fighting this heinous scum until every inch of Syria is liberated.
  9. Barrel Bomb

    Russia’s ‘Troll Army’ Exposed

    Where are the trolls? I never met one so far.
  10. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    So they aren´t Islamist terrorists because there are hundreds of groups and they all fight together and shell civilians? rt com /news/345457-syria-terrorists-aleppo-nusra/ sana sy /en/?p=77063 SDF declares neutrality with Syrian government: almasdarnews com...
  11. Barrel Bomb

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Hello, all al-Qaeda and ISIS fanboys. Hard times are awaiting you aboard as your nonsense will be barrel bombed by now! It is quite amazing how they manage to create more propaganda material each day. Millions of refugees have fled the war zones - still al-Qaeda claims there are civilians en...
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