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  1. Comrade bhartiya

    Dubai Air Show: IAF's Tejas stuns audience with superior flying skills

    2 squadrons are active , there have been 5000 developmental flights without accident . 37 have been built with many on the assembly line . 80 more ordered. India spends 400 crore rupees this programme every year , we developed form scratch . You people merely assemble .your of jf 17
  2. Comrade bhartiya

    Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

    I have a question , can iran do something like "kaman 99 " airstrike on israel ?
  3. Comrade bhartiya

    Indians Show Their Tejas To The PAF Pilots !

    No 1,figure is true .It was above 90000 Rest all I don't know about
  4. Comrade bhartiya

    Failure of India to Resist the Turkic Conquests

    India never had 1 god , comrade
  5. Comrade bhartiya

    Failure of India to Resist the Turkic Conquests

    Ah , sure comrade Some vedic gods like Indra yama , rudra agni vayu , the ashwins are all worshipped today. Every evening , we light a diya as an offer to agni . Then there are various havans or houma , sometimes with sacrifices to goat or Buffalo etc . Many Vedic gods are not worshipped like...
  6. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    Hindus continue with vedic practices today, you people wholly adopted the religion of invaders of the era .Equating history with genetics is a very nice trope to equal invasions by Turks with supposed Aryan migration .that I will admit.
  7. Comrade bhartiya

    Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

    Iran would not have any sanctions , if They would have made the bomb . India was sanctioned for 3 years by usa , pakistan was not even sanctioned . That is it, once you make the bomb , everyone will pay their debts and you won't be sanctioned. Iran played too much by rules set by its adversaries.
  8. Comrade bhartiya

    Indians Show Their Tejas To The PAF Pilots !

    Wah ji wah , i wanted some thing like this Point defence , what else. Ok we all can see that
  9. Comrade bhartiya

    Dubai Air Show: IAF's Tejas stuns audience with superior flying skills

    Chutney idhar ha kyki ketchup nai ha Gustaki maff , hehe S Still not a single tejas has crashed , looks like our luck is brilliant isn't it ?
  10. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    Tell me more , this feels good. Can't it be reverse ?
  11. Comrade bhartiya

    Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

    True , couldn't agree more. Hain ji ?
  12. Comrade bhartiya

    Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

    Jews won't pay , they never do
  13. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Nice to know that , i don't support israel either . Wherever they and Americans are trouble follows . I wish india and iran have beter relations between them.
  14. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    Aryan invasion theory is now Aryan migration theory , soon it will be Aryan picnic theory. We will see that , then I will accept my iranin past 😁 Aryans didn't invade , from what I know . Animal sacrifice is norm even today , i have myself sacrificed a Buffalo . It's meat is good though. Very...
  15. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    Hu Hindus too believe in after life , they had varna system and no they didn't eat beef Example "Anago hatya vai bheema kritye ma no gaamshvam , purusham vadih" It's a great sin to kill horses , cows and humana. Atharveda, 10.1.29 " Ya aamam maanssamdanti paurushayam cha karvih garbaan...
  16. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    No , no again how you converted we kNow that . Sufis converted you , still my religion is better or not is up to me Regards
  17. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    greetings comrade , As an Indian , iam confused as to why iran supports a Christian Armenia instead of islam Azerbaijan . Don't take this question , as if iam trolling , i know about historical and cultural affinity between Armenia and iran . I wanted to know an Iranians perspective in this regard
  18. Comrade bhartiya

    Failure of India to Resist the Turkic Conquests

    You are telling this to hindu , i know about bhakti movement and other ways to keep the religion alive , it's called accommodating .And it was not so simple . Infact , vedic religion died after Buddhism came into being . By the time Huns came it was already a major force. Who told you , that we...
  19. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    Great , good to hear that.
  20. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    Still , all that got destroyed due to various reasons , not known to me. The real ancient history of india starts with gangetic plains , the Deccan and southern regions are different things all together .With their extensive contacts to outside world through sea trade and their connections to...
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