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  1. S

    Retirement or resignation

    Well , sire, I didn't know about it that's why. Kindly answer my question Forced to retire, right?
  2. S

    Retirement or resignation

    When CoAS and CJCoSC are selected, what do other senior generals do when they've been ignored. They resign or get retired?
  3. S

    Selection of CoAS & CJCoSC

    Salam, although it is purely a choice of PM ,who to select as CoAS and CJCoSC but the thing I don't understand is why merit and seniority is ignored and supersede principal is favoured most of the time.
  4. S

    Stealth Ranking

    Salam, in the world of Stealth technology, where does the Chinese j-20 and j-10B stands?
  5. S

    How should Pakistan tackle S400 acquisition by India? The Drone Swarm Technology....

    As it is known that India is interested in buying Russian s400. How Pakistani jets or system may bypass or defeat s400? Is it even possible because practically s400 isn't used anywhere at all?
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