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  1. J

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Who gives a damn to them ? Does it mean they stand with Russian aggression ? I have not seen anyone coming forward to save poor Ruskies.
  2. J

    China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine [weapons] biolabs

    I am confident that I am not going to lose both if it comes to making a bet on Chinese coming to Russkies rescue by jumping into this war.
  3. J

    China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine [weapons] biolabs

    I bet my left testicle that China is not going to join it any cost. They are going to watch it from long long distance.
  4. J

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    They would be killed as Putin has also asked his soldiers to go for a kill especially the volunteers.
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