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  1. C

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    YPG aren't as bad as KDP
  2. C

    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    ^^ only posted by the Turkish source, unreliable. -- An Mi-35 crashed in Baiji (non combat incident), crew of 4 killed. These aircraft have been used constantly for years now in combat (since 2013 delivery, whilst not long it's in combat) seems like the maintenance isn't enough to keep them up...
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    Saddam Hussein - The Truth (Documentary)

    Saddam inherited a prosperous state and left it destructed. To respond to the common popular comment below which many foreigners often shout out. That 'better' was not built on his watch but during leaders like Qasim and Ahmed Hassan al Bakr, as soon as he took power he started a major war...
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    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    Aren't you the guy that says he'll buy chocolate for kids for the killing of the Russian ambassador? Not even a dog would make murder a celebration and pull kids into such an act. Now we have people here playing civilised with pretentious high morale safely from their homes, these foreign...
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    Saddam Hussein - The Truth (Documentary)

    i told you many times before, i didn't vote for any political party although i could've requested a passport and done that, therefor to say that i support a government is false. i support the security forces in the war against terror. Couldn't care much for what party gets to top, except foreign...
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    Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

    Did you actually make that meme, not exactly a topic for trolling but have fun.
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    Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

    Gov overused that FETO problem to divert people's attention and justify things that would not be accepted in a normal situation. To see people here still point to that for these problems makes one nothing but a blind supporter of a political party/figure.
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    Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

    The rate people (mainly civillians) are dying has only been increasing now that the group is losing the conventional battle. Currently it looks like the main victims of the low profile attacks are iraq, Syria and Turkey. Meanwhile these 3 govs fueled this against each other, starting way back...
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    Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

    Okay. Go outside and chant your FETO stuff, be a good boy of Tayyip. instead of tackling the real problem you can keep busy with FETO the scapegoat used by erdogan to justify his power consolidation. You're loyal to a political party. This regional problem can be solved when the governments...
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    Saddam Hussein - The Truth (Documentary)

    People didn't expect a wave of Wahhabism and daily suicide bombings fueled by that ideology, if not for that cancer removing Saddam would be something no one would miss.
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    Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

    Unless you and the masses drop that FETO excuse and acknowledge the real present problems there won't be any development.
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    Saddam Hussein - The Truth (Documentary)

    next strategy after what, a video of some person applying sarcasm?
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