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    Massacre Movement:

    Don't tell me that these are Jamati workers.
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    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    //Pak should get rid of military folks and bring some brains in the cabinet. Pak need very good finance minister, technology miniter and Industry minisers. Pak has to reduce the importance to military (doent mean the military goes weak// Yes,the brains which divided the country,the brains which...
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    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    Imran khan ohhh my my!!!!! :rofl: I think a leader who has both national and international recognition,can be the best choice for us.
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    “Flag around Quaids Mazar”

    Last week I happened to drive past the Quaids Mausoleum and observed that many new flags of PPP were moving with the air on the poles throughout the whole street with some old,heavily soiled and ragged Pakistani flags which showed that they were flagging on the poles from a long time. My my...
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