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  1. F

    PM promises to protect Australia's 'sovereignty' with $130bn JobKeeper wage scheme

    Very strange, what does this speech has anything to do with China?
  2. F

    U.S. ‘wasted’ months before preparing for virus pandemic

    Trump was so concerned about the over economy, he doesn't want to get distracted by that little flu out east. If he even paid an ounce of attention on it, he would have order CDC to either get the test right or start getting the German test out before the American CDC test is good. America...
  3. F

    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    It is a great discussion. Thank you all. Can any of you poke any hole on what I write below? According to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, for China's RMB to be world's reserve currency, it needs 4 conditions: 1. Free capital movement. But history showed any hint of it would cause great...
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    All tunnels on Lhasa-Nyingchi Railway in Tibet complete

    Looking at the map. It doesn't do anything for countries such as Nepal and Bhutan. However, it does reach directly to Arunachal Pradesh. But mostly, it is a major economic boost to Tibet. It reaches directly to the major economic region of Sichuan.
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    70 days of lockdown | China lifts Wuhan travel restrictions at midnight April.8

    Congratulation. Happy and Proud of you, Wuhan.
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    From what you said, China's currency needs 2 things to become world's reserve currency. It needs a large, open and sophisticated financial system. It also needs to be quite a bit bigger than other economies. China is opening up it's financial system now (ironically, partially due to the trade...
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    Oh, 3 years is just an example. I don't know the exact number. But I think I heard about the year 2030 as the most likely year. Of course, the trade war and the coronavirus crisis may have completely change the trajectory. What happened in 1998?
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    Do you know the reason why China won't let her currency float?
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    China has the second largest GDP in the world (about 2/3 of USA). Let's say 3 years from now, China's GDP exceeds USA. At the same exact time, China let its currency float. It will automatically become world's reserve currency? I doubt that. What else is needed? What event (or events) caused...
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    If what you said is true, why isn't Euros the world reserve currency? Clearly, something else is needed. What is it? (By the way, this question is not just for you, but also for anybody who is good in world finance).
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    What specific aspect of their currency is China not confident about? Are they afraid of a run on the currency?
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    It seems a lot of people complain about it. But why aren't any government try to create an alternative. What are the necessary conditions for any government to create an alternative?
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    I see. I don't know about the DOA part though. Why doesn't China float its currency? What is the disadvantage of letting it float?
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    SMIC makes sure people know that this is not 7nm technology. It only offers 20% performance gain over their 14nm technology. https://www.anandtech.com/show/15649/smic-details-its-n1-process-technology-7nm-performance-in-china A SMIC’s spokesperson said the following: “Our target for N+1 is...
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    China will pursue digital currency, would this break the dominance of USD?

    China will pursue digital Yuan. For posters who have a background in finance and business, would this help break the dominance of USD? If the answer is yes, how long do you think it would take? and if there are other steps that China need to take to make it happen...
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