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    Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East

    This book itself is a forgery my dear friend, I've already read it. It's published by a quite misguided Sufi order. I am quite against Wahhabism. However, this Hempher guy did exist, no doubt. But at the same time, I have to be fair, I've read the book and it looks quite doctored. Did the...
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    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    Ankara (capitol of the Ottoman empire) was also destroyed completely , infact Ottoman's suffered more than the Muslims of India, because Timur's battles on the Muslim regions of India weren't much accept for Delhi. Persia barely resisted, accept for Isfahan as you mentioned and hence didn't...
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    Loyalty lies for Allah (swt) and his Prophet Muhammad (SAWAW) and their chosen alone.

    Loyalty lies for Allah (swt) and his Prophet Muhammad (SAWAW) and their chosen alone.
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    Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East

    The man in the book traveled all over the Muslim world in West Asia, not only Iraq and Iran. And he interacted with mostly Sunnis, and caused the Wahhabi cancer within them. Allah's Prophet (SAW) also warned about the fitna of Najd. "Qarn al-Shaytan". Search it up. And no, Najd is not in Iraq...
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    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    Timur did the biggest damage to Muslims. He savagely slaughtered Afghanistan, Indian Muslims, and most of all the Ottoman empire. The Persians in general were clever not to oppose him too much. I think it would have been better for the Ottomans to deal with him, because had they done that the...
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    The Genographic Project : Iranians are more Arab than South Asian

    This report is accurate, but misleading, so much so that National Geographic changed it to make more sense. Both Iran and Arabs have a common ancestor :) . Check the link again guys :) . Also many Arabs have Iranian DNA in them. How? Because Iran had control of Egypt, Iraq and Yemen for...
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