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  1. silverox

    China overwhelmed in Taiwan war scenario: simulation

    I never read leading articles published by Japanese or American think-tanks whose purpose is to confuse and disorient the opponent. We just have to do what we think is right, produce more and more advanced weapons, and make any adversary pay an unbearable price for their bad decisions. Find a...
  2. silverox

    The biggest and most difficult mega project China ever taken, drilling through Tianshan mountains

    tian shan, This is a very typical Chinese name, no matter what the language of Central Asia, the mountain is called Ten-zan. This is because the Chinese first settled and named places in Xinjiang The Chinese are the indigenous people of Xinjiang, and the Uighurs are a foreign race from...
  3. silverox

    Angry mob surrounds a Chinese citizen they have falsely accused of blasphemy in Pakistan

    I want to know what he said The Pakistani government must guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and the safety of their lives and property, the mob is irrational. I've heard people say that Indians are usually seen as moderate, but when they get large numbers, they...
  4. silverox

    Is Dalai Lama "Pedophile or Gay" ?

    The Tibetan tradition is that a middle-aged monk should be a child monk's teacher, living together, and when the monk is old, → the grown-up monk takes care of his life. There is a dark side to this story. Many children will be sodomized by their teachers
  5. silverox

    US is forced to accept that China is a Developed Country

    With 600m people earning less than RMB1,000 a month, China is far from developed The United States will lose its moral power by constantly creating lies
  6. silverox

    China to become 'militarily superior' to US by 2049: Top US general

    Don't be fooled by such think-tank reports from the US American think tanks produce many reports every year, any report that exaggerates other countries' capabilities and Belittles America's is an attempt to get funding from the U. S. Congress
  7. silverox

    Xi's "city of the future", Xiong'an, China's new capital, 40 years younger than Shenzhen

    Hebei people are not good at business, nor good at high-tech industry, the Northern Region, conservative, afraid of innovation, afraid of change. I think the city's biggest role is to divert government departments and schools from overcrowded Beijing
  8. silverox

    Modi Laoxian, 'Modi the immortal': Chinese netizens think Indian PM is different, amazing

    The name of the Modi lao xian Originated from Jin Yong's martial arts novel Ding Chunqiu's slogan in Tianlongbabu 星宿老仙,法力无边;神通广大,法驾中原 The general meaning of the slogan is that Ding Chunqiu is an old immortal, full of magic, can solve all problems As soon as Ding Chunqiu appeared, his...
  9. silverox

    India: P0rn clip played on crowded Patna junction TV screens for 3 minutes

    What kind of **** do Indians like? I only like Japanese ****
  10. silverox

    Russians reluctantly embrace Chinese cars after Western brands depart

    The Americans seem to want a monopoly on the right to wage war. The Americans seem to want to achieve this goal. Only a war by the United States and its allies is acceptable. Other countries, such as Russia, have no right to start a war.
  11. silverox

    Chinese Smartphone Company Official Arrested For Fraud Of ₹ 19 Crore

    I hope all the Chinese companies that invest in India go bankrupt
  12. silverox

    If Murica NATO not accept end of war in Ukraine, China will then supply military hardwar Firedragons drones to Russia

    This is the U. S. special release out of the psychological warfare propaganda articles, fake news.
  13. silverox

    Adani Group's loss swells to $65 billion; Hindenburg responds to charges

    India should immediately investigate Adani's involvement in corruption
  14. silverox

    Japanese man given 12-year prison term in China for espionage

    The Japanese are a serious people Before the war with the Manchus Japanese spies began mapping the location of Chinese naval ports in Lüshunkou District Twenty years before the Japanese invasion of the Republic of China Japanese spies began to go deep into the Chinese interior, mapping...
  15. silverox

    China demands an end to US sanctions against Syria following the deadly earthquakes

    The United States has no respect for human life,For the United States, sanctioning Syria is more important than saving the human rights of earthquake victims
  16. silverox

    China no longer viable as world’s factory, says Kyocera

    china can replace the United States as the world's largest consumer market, then the renminbi can replace the dollar. Our country can obtain the seigniorage of international currency. This requires a shift in thinking about development.
  17. silverox

    India Emerges the Biggest Winner of the Ukraine War and Growing US-China Tensions

    If India becomes No. 1 in the world, then what about the United States The Americans will make themselves another adversary
  18. silverox

    Rumors that Biden hid the "Destroy Taiwan Plan" are terrible!

    Recovering Taiwan is very simple, only a statement, surrender within eight hours, peaceful adaptation of the local army, to ensure that the local way of life, the Taiwanese will immediately surrender
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