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  1. silverox

    Breaking: US GDP grows 2.4% in Q2; overall GDP near $27T

    My impression is that in the last few years, the GDP of the United States is 21 trillion, the GDP of the United States is growing very fast
  2. silverox

    India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

    India is a non-market economy country dell will go to inida
  3. silverox

    Why can’t Chinese companies play by the rules?

    I expect BYD to invest in factories in France and Germany to produce electric cars
  4. silverox

    US Warns China Of Consequences If Xi Jinping Doesn't Act On Kim Jong Un's Missile Launches

    When the Chinese leader first took office ten years ago, he did not receive Kim Jong-un or visit North Korea as usual, and even to some extent, the Chinese leader felt uncomfortable with Kim Jong-un. China is even ready to cooperate with the United States to achieve regime change in North Korea...
  5. silverox

    Girl traveler walks into a tiny desert village in Xinjiang, steals fruits after finding fruits are everywhere and for free in the village

    Tibetan Buddhism is a pornographic, lewd, lewd cult I am not at all worried about Mongolia and Tibet uniting in rebellion
  6. silverox

    HK billionaire Cheng family takes over Vietnam casino resort

    Isn't the Western world famous for men playing with men's buttholes
  7. silverox

    Girl traveler walks into a tiny desert village in Xinjiang, steals fruits after finding fruits are everywhere and for free in the village

    If the Qing dynasty wiped out the Uighurs after it wiped out the Jungar The Uighurs had already rioted, and the Qing Emperor was merciful. A worm turned into a snake
  8. silverox

    "Name INDIA given by British" - Pajeets Are Now Boycotting the Name India Claiming it is a Colonial Imposition

    The real Indus Valley Civilization is in what is now Pakistan, where many of the ancient Indian civilisations have been excavated.
  9. silverox

    Why Korean Chinese and South Koreans deeply hate each other?

    More than 20 years ago, when China was still relatively poor, Koreans had a special sense of superiority towards China, just like a former servant who became richer with a new master and lived a better life than the previous master. In 1999, I read a book written by Chinese Koreans who settled...
  10. silverox

    Asian Americans Hate China, Love America

    U.S. media always report negatively on China, especially after the intensification of internal differences and disputes in the U.S. represented by President Trump, the only thing that can unite the U.S. is hatred of China. China is so good that only China can keep pace with the United States in...
  11. silverox

    China promises ‘robust response’ to any NATO expansion in Asia

    In fact, NATO poses no threat to China at all. The only threat to China is the United States,
  12. silverox

    Korea sinks further into trade deficit with China amid inaction from government

    Judging from the current situation, South Korea and Japan are betting that China will lose and the United States will win. Americans eat meat and they can drink soup.
  13. silverox

    Korea sinks further into trade deficit with China amid inaction from government

    The main reason why South Korea is now considered a developed country is that China opened its market to South Korea in 1992. After decades of affluent life, South Koreans became ambitious and dared to despise China and even dare to covet the three northeastern provinces of China. Territory...
  14. silverox

    Sinoamerican Empire

    Soros is so rich that he supports various NGO organizations and color revolutions. The new crown virus is likely to be the result of the research of the virus laboratory supported by Soros, with the purpose of conducting virus warfare against China. Moderna has applied for a patent on the new...
  15. silverox

    Most Developed Muslim City in the World ? ÜRÜMQI, XINJIANG/ Indian In China

    There is no need to discuss the history of Xinjiang with those stinky Indians. The Indians just want to bring conflicts between China and Pakistan. China should have armed those who do not want to be stinky Indians. However, China has not changed its peaceful coexistence foreign policy
  16. silverox

    China promises ‘robust response’ to any NATO expansion in Asia

    NATO is not worth mentioning. In fact, if there is a war, as long as China wipes out South Korea and Japan around it, China will win
  17. silverox

    Indian vlogger travels to Aksai Chin in Xinjiang, Aksai Chin is being claimed by India, administered by China

    为什么中国政府允许这些印度间谍开放进入 大概 新疆地方当局都是土包子
  18. silverox

    China demands UK enters talks with Argentina over Falklands slamming 'colonial legacy'

    Cancel the no-bullets deal and we can get one hundred thousand Indian troops on the border with a very small force
  19. silverox

    China demands UK enters talks with Argentina over Falklands slamming 'colonial legacy'

    The colonial empire of the Anglo-Saxons and their Indian slaves must be overthrown
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