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  1. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    Are you an Indian? Was your home burnt down in Gujarat? Your family killed? How does it have a direct bearing on Pakistan? Are you even aware of convictions in the cases relating to Gujarat Riots? Probably you are not.
  2. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    You wont like the reply ... to whom women usually confide....:-):-):-) Sir... I dont care, how many times a Pakistani lawmaker married, as long as he works for Pakistan. That was merely a jest taken from the Internet, and not to be taken seriously/personally.
  3. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    Imran Khan while taking oath as Pakistan's PM : Imran Khan: Kabool hai, kabool hai , kabool hai. Chief Justice: Janab aapko nikah ki aadat hai , yeh oath taking ceremony hai.
  4. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    A Crime first needs to be proven in a court of law. If found guilty, justice will be served. I have full faith in my Institutions, they may have shortcomings, but they do work and nobody can escape it in a long term. But, whats it got do with Pakistani elections?
  5. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    Those "necrophiles" are giving me 7.5% GDP growth, Bullet Trains, world class infrastructures, Education, Health-care, I'm Okay with it. Everyone will catch up with law, they wont be spared if found guilty. Your choice of a ruler is not purely your internal matter. He will be the one devising...
  6. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    Lolz .. A Pakistani ruler is always a matter of concern for Indians... need to have a bearing which nut-case gonna rule our Pakistani biraders... Indians need to prepare accordingly... Lolz ... Thats a new one.... Indian women confiding in Pakistanis....
  7. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    yeah just like your friend @snow lake who been out measuring Indian ones....
  8. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    Lolz... here comes another with penchant for comparing genitalia... Donkeys have the biggest ones... sure people like you feel proud for having the bigger one, if that makes you feel superior.
  9. kinsr

    Pakistanis TROLL Indians w/ FUNNY meme after Imran Khan victory

    Or their PMs penchant for Cigar Boxes and "Huge tube" of K-Y Gel .. lolz
  10. kinsr

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    What a bloody sexy Plane... :toast_sign::toast_sign::toast_sign:
  11. kinsr

    See the Personal Website of Haneef Abbasi. Guess What language is this?

    Thats "lorem ipsum" text... used by Website builders to fill up columns with dummy text. It has no meaning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum
  12. kinsr

    Letter by scholar Mannan Wani on why he chose to pick up gun

    Again, its your assumption only that Kashmiris dont want anything to do with India. Which most of them are you talking about? The ones indoctrinated into the supremacy of Islam rather than the law of the land? The ones like them wont fit anywhere, not even in Islamic Republics. There...
  13. kinsr

    Letter by scholar Mannan Wani on why he chose to pick up gun

    Dissidence emanating from dissatisfaction is not new and is a part of the whole democratic process. The separatist movement is fuelled by the same Islamic hatred for others as is evident in other parts of the world. Who stopped Kashmiris from becoming an integral part in Indian society? Has...
  14. kinsr

    Top 10 Mouthwatering Pakistani Foods to Try

    Like what? Student Biryani?
  15. kinsr

    Top 10 Mouthwatering Pakistani Foods to Try

    Ignorance as it's prime. Meatballs/Kofte are not native to Persia only. It's one the most common method of cooking meat, you can find in most european cuisines too. It's an Indian adaptation that's eaten here with spices totally different from what's been used in Iran.
  16. kinsr

    Top 10 Mouthwatering Pakistani Foods to Try

    Kofte of course has Persian roots, no denying in that. But the Nargisi Kofte are a Mughal recipe, and lot more spicy than Iranian Kofte.
  17. kinsr

    Top 10 Mouthwatering Pakistani Foods to Try

    Actually it's the only dish that has its roots in Pakistan- Afghanistan border, among the rest of them.
  18. kinsr

    Top 10 Mouthwatering Pakistani Foods to Try

    Either you can cLaim it on the basis of legacy ... Or you can claim it on the basis of locale. Like you like to claim IVC based on locales similar everything you eat is from current India only. Nihari, Paya kebabs are largely creations of Mughal Avadhi or Hyderabadi cuisines, all based in modern...
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