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  1. H

    $255M for Akash SAMs: Armenia Signs Another Arms Deal with India

    india is also working on a similar system called CATS - COMBAT AIR TEAMING SYSTEM
  2. H

    'Mujib: The Making of a Nation' releases today in 200 halls

    Yeah, someone who has been here for around a year and a half suddenly becomes a troll and you enlightened folks calling us rapists, pajeets, cow urine drinkers, kafirs isn't trolling . double standards? @Bilal9
  3. H

    'Mujib: The Making of a Nation' releases today in 200 halls

    Do you know how to read ? I never said that they killed 10 million of you , I said that they could have killed 10 million if we had left east Pakistan to its fate. Lol , so basically you're saying that Bengali muslims had no role or contribution to Bangladesh's liberation war and that you...
  4. H

    'Mujib: The Making of a Nation' releases today in 200 halls

    before the indian army entered your rag tag militias had been slaughtered in the millions, without indian army pakis would have killed another 10 million of you in a few months, your militias took training from our soldiers , lived on our money and fought with our weapons against the pakis and...
  5. H

    1965 war: Fateful Pakistani SSG assault

    My relatives were also involved in rounding up Pakistani intruders and handing them over to Punjab police and the local company of mahar regiment. This happened in thandi khui village some 5-6km from the airbase. Everything mentioned here is true. As a resident of Pathankot I feel proud of what...
  6. H

    Saar Corvette with Barak-8 ADS deployed in Red Sea : Time for PN to take notes

    average indians dont influence strategic policies. indian NAVY is a professional force made up of well read men, its not like our people on twitter barak 8 is one of the most advanced air defense systems in its class. a fruit of indo israeli cooperation
  7. H

    Pakistani and Malaysian economies compared, Why is Malaysia doing better, lol?

    Half of Pakistan's problems will be solved the day it stops funding it's corrupt army and makes peace with india. They can enjoy the fruit of development just like Bangladesh, Indonesia, vietnam , phillipines and India are doing right now. The biggest problem for Pakistan is the military...
  8. H

    Isreal is getting non stop weapons from USA france Uk Poland. Must more then what given to Ukraine. Similar to crusade wars

    other than abusing me for asking a genuine question, could you have cared to give me a decent and detailed reply ? i know that israel has taken a heavy handed approach against palestenians but the crisis unfolding right now was not started by israel. you cant just attack and kill 1400 civillians...
  9. H

    Is China 70 years ahead of India? A visit to Mao's home province city, Changsha

    in real terms it is 16-18 years. economically and socially with this kind of myopic attitude, china will only underestimate india and find out for itself, just like russia underestimated ukraine. mauryan empire kept india united for 500 years, guptas 300 years and lastly the marathas in the...
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    Isreal is getting non stop weapons from USA france Uk Poland. Must more then what given to Ukraine. Similar to crusade wars

    well then they shouldnt be crying when israel retaliates with its superior armed forces. it looks like no muslim wants to condemn the horrific terror attacks against civillians of israel on october 7 by these savages but everyone cries like a crow when israel retaliates. ofcourse israel isnt...
  11. H

    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    Airframes are overhauled every decade to keep them in good condition. Mirage 2000 has an availablity rate of close to 70-80% because of good maintenance despite being bought in the late 80s It's actually the airframes which make a difference, the US uses F16s, a 1970s aircraft. Lol dude , your...
  12. H

    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    Our mig29s , jaguars, mirage 2000s are all upgraded to 4th generation standards. The Jags even have AESA radar. We don't use su27
  13. H

    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    PAF is still operating mirage III and v along with Chengdu j7, shame. The land was never physically occupied by indian troops, wherever we have posts occupied by troops the Chinese don't even come close, the sneak into barren unguarded land
  14. H

    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    The resolutions ask for the indian military to maintain bare minimum presence for law and order under UN observers Remove your nuclear weapons and see what we'll make out of you in a war stretching more than a week.
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    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    When ? It's been 75 years now, indian economy and military is growing stronger with every passing year while you're stuck without economic growth
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    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    The first condition According to the UN was the withdrawal of Pakistani forces followed by a plebiscite with minimum indian military presence for law and order. If you fulfill the first condition , the plebiscite will be followed up
  17. H

    Can Indian nukes touch America

    Indian can extend the range pretty easily, the question is does india need to ? Agni V can easily strike all the way till western Europe but there is absolutely no need for india to develop missiles which can hit Europe or USA. Otherwise range extension of the Agni series is the least of DRDO's...
  18. H

    Pulwama: Migrant Worker Shot Dead, Second Targeted Attack in 24 Hours in Kashmir

    The resolutions also ask Pakistan to withdraw it's army from occupied areas for a plebiscite to take place
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