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  1. H

    Indian Saras Plane Program

    I think when it comes to civillian aircraft segment both indian as well as Indonesian manufactures lack innovation. India and indonesia are just copying existing designs to make their respective Regional airliners with Limited capacities, in an increasingly competitive market dominated by major...
  2. H

    Indian Saras Plane Program

    Tejas series in itself is a completely different design and built with a different purpose, it simply dosent make sense to compare it with Marut. Marut was a fighter bomber, which had good performance as a strike aircraft and did well in providing CAS, but it simply wasn't a capable...
  3. H

    Indian Saras Plane Program

    I wish TATA makes it, But I think saras mk2 will be made by HAL as it had a role in developing many of the technologies involved in the saras program.
  4. H

    In a first, Lithium reserve found in Jammu and Kashmir

    Why 100 ? Why not 1,000 or 10,000 years ? No one searched for it decades ago, nor was anyone interested in this technology, no one thought it was worth Carrying a massive survey of a site in a state which is a geopolitical hotbed. But when we recognised the need to find our own lithium...
  5. H

    When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

    I'm talking about the long term impact, it didn't change anything on the ground even to this day. One outcome has been the worsening of indo pak relations at a time when we were close to sealing off the Kashmir issue That's the Worst analysis you can give. I'd say the soldiers on both sides...
  6. H

    When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

    The casualties on you side were higher depsite being on the high slopes. The average IA soldier in Kargil had the support of his battalion whereas his PA counterpart was disowned by his own nation and called a militiaman left to die on the peaks while there generals in GHQ argued about how they...
  7. H

    US clears Poland to buy HIMARS, ATACMS, ammunition worth $10 billion

    I wasn't expecting such a brilliant and well researched response ! Wow, thanks for showing your intellect, but I think we were talking about the poles and NATO here, it's a plain fact that the British army is a joke. You use your allies Logistics to sustain overseas operations and that too...
  8. H

    US clears Poland to buy HIMARS, ATACMS, ammunition worth $10 billion

    Right, Poland is bluffing here. I'd rate the french army over turkey. Brits are a complete joke tho. I doubt if they can even field a single combat ready division at a moment's notice.
  9. H

    Indian occupied Kashmir vs Azad Kashmir

    @kmc_chacko BSF and Police are not a part of the army.
  10. H

    When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

    Surely it was a surprise. Because the timing was simply so unexpected. We were looking at a new era of peace and prosperity after the Lahore bus yatra but all of that was shattered with this intrusion. In the end what was the result of this intrusion ? Did it give Pakistan any significant...
  11. H

    Indian occupied Kashmir vs Azad Kashmir

    Logic dosent work with him. I too tried explaining him the same thing. IA has two corps in Kashmir, let's say there are 50,000-60,000 troops per corps, that's 100,000-120,000 troops, apart from that there are the 60 RR battalions with a combined strength of some 60,000 troops. So the...
  12. H

    US clears Poland to buy HIMARS, ATACMS, ammunition worth $10 billion

    I mean after the americans lol, i see US armed forces including all its branches as one entity.
  13. H

    US clears Poland to buy HIMARS, ATACMS, ammunition worth $10 billion

    Poles have gone bonkers, they're arming themselves like crazy. At this rate they'll become the second most powerful ground force in NATO
  14. H

    Why a BVR missile like The Astra is so scary

    Calling IAF a newbie in air to air tech is a result of your lack of research and ignorance, we were the first to introduce this tech to south asia, the IAF has possesed BVRs for way longer than PAF has, when you were flying with sidewinders on your falcons back in the 80s , we already had...
  15. H

    Why a BVR missile like The Astra is so scary

    Astra is better than R77 and SD 10. It also outclasses AIm120C5 used by Pakistan. The only missle in pak arsenal which truly outclasses it is PL15E Its about making an effort to produce indigenous weapons, india can very well slap derby, meteors and R77s on it's fighters but that would mean...
  16. H

    Production of QR-SAM to start within six months for induction in Indian Army

    We need it urgently for our strike corps, they're still equipped with tunguska systems which although are effective but also slowly becoming obsoleslete.
  17. H

    Desert Storm - How to Plan an Air Campaign

    Did that air war achieve air superiority or destroy the enemy on the ground, if not, then it can hardly be called inspiritational. Pakistani air campaign did not produce any decisive results in any of the wars. If you're looking for something truly inspirational, then one can read about the...
  18. H

    Indian occupied Kashmir vs Azad Kashmir

    Lol, I'm here, you still weren't able to prove me wrong. I gave you a breakdown of forces in Kashmir including all formations deployed there. You kept on saying " I know better since I'm kashmiri" that was the only argument you presented, no credible facts or sources backed up your claim...
  19. H

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    They're talking about IAF flankers involved in the exercise
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