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  1. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    Jallianwallah bagh was not a rally for hindu nationalists, infact there were more sikhs in the procession. The protestors had gathered to oppose the arrest of Dr Satyapal Malik and Saiffudin Khiclew , the latter was a muslim.
  2. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    Many muslims were present in the crowd too
  3. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    your nation dosen't even have prestige, especially after losing half of your nation in the east and the entirety of Siachen I heard Camel Cola is really popular there, no ?
  4. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    You are acting like a bachabaaz is that what you did with your cousin last night ?
  5. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    Look at your own choice of words before pointing fingers on others living in America and acting like a radical bigoted islamist pakistani nationalist lol
  6. H

    Ancient India's Dynamic Duo: Chanakya Acharya &Chandra Gupta Maurya

    Islam didn't even exist when chanakya was alive. He was born 400 years before jesus
  7. H

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Bruh google exists for a reason.
  8. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    Lol, name a single institution in pakistan which has generated something useful in the field of academic research, You inbred cousin f*cker. The british girl which you are calling a pakistani set a record for 34 GCSEs has got nothing to with compeititon nor adds any academic value to your broken...
  9. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    Indian maps has been showing Aksai China as a part of india for decades. When will china do surgical strikes ?
  10. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    Pakistanis don't have an aptitude for maths, now I know why. The entire region of J&K including Pakistani held areas and Chinese occupied Kashmir is 46,332 square miles. For a comparison Pakistan's total area is just 400,000 square miles. Go back to Kindergarden
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    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    15,000 sq km territory lost in the west, returned by india as a gesture of goodwill after the shimla agreement
  12. H

    Xinjiang police detain ethnic Kazakh who sang Quranic recitations at Muslim wedding

    According to you, Kashmiris are freedom fighters and uyghurs are terrorists. The CCP c*ck sucking has gone too far
  13. H

    Indian Men's Hockey Team start with stunning 15-1 win over Bangladesh in tournament opener

    My Bangla Sauth Aseaan Tigrrr Saarrr🥰🥰🐯🐯🐯 All of this and yet somehow they have a superiority complex over their neighbours.
  14. H

    'Guts for surgical strike?' Sanjay Raut asks PM as China adds Arunachal in new map

    our opposition has gone bonkers, don't pay any attention to them, they're just desperate to gain some relevance amongst the people. Everyone knows that Modi's gonna win 2024.
  15. H

    Indian Men's Hockey Team start with stunning 15-1 win over Bangladesh in tournament opener

    @Bilal9 how can kanjoos Bharotis win against superior Shonar Bangla race But still our Tall Handsome Bangla specimens owe as an explanation. How can they lose !
  16. H

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Which malls are you talking about. Be specific. We have the likes of Ambience Gurgaon and DLF promenade which is the epitome of luxuriousness.
  17. H

    Do British aircraft carriers have the courage to patrol Russia?

    What kind of a joke is this. There are literally japanese troops sitting on those islands ready to massacre any chinese conscript who lands on those islands https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/17/asia/japan-new-defense-base-disputed-islands-intl-hnk/index.html
  18. H

    Pakistan army : india behind church attacks

    RAA aur Yahoodi ki Saajish
  19. H

    Do British aircraft carriers have the courage to patrol Russia?

    QEC does not have the largest 5th generation air wing. Does it ? Last time I checked y'all had american pilots on board. QEC isn't the behemoth you think it is, only brits think that. It's a fantastic and beautifully designed ship but can't be called a supercarrier.
  20. H

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    you should learn some basic calculation skills from indians. Its gonna help you much more than being a grammar nazi
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