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  1. M

    Police in Sukkur beat old beggar woman, remove her burqa and throw away her food

    Behaviour of an Average abc(non madrassa) educated pakistani who claims to be better moslim compared to mullahs/religious beardos but daily misbehaves with poor folks, is currupt to core and talks shit about mullah/molvis whenever he gets the chance . May God have mercy on the middle and...
  2. M

    Meet new assistant commissioner of Karachi’s North Nazimabad ~ Stylish Hazim Bangwar

    One more unislamic way of doing things under abc "educated" to please their gaylords in the western world . Time is inshallah coming to end for this kind who misuse "islamic" republics title to quell any resistence towards their vice lifestyle.
  3. M

    Unironically: Could declaring Sharia Law in Pakistan solve it's insurgency problem?

    All these ppl saying pakistan is islamic bla bla need mental checkup . pakistan is as islamic as egypt . Just putting " no law shall be against quran and sunnah" is just an hogwash ,an excuse ,a lollypop against mullahs and religious forces by liberal seculer donkeys ruling the nation. A law...
  4. M

    How many حافظ hafiz were in یزید army.

    How many non hafiz/ulemas were in yazid army ? Answer is 99 procent were non hafiz ,jahil like you who knew nothing of religioun but are quick to point faults of the far better humans(ulemas) just to feel good about yourselfs and your life full of haram and sins. Sometimes its hafiz ,sometime...
  5. M

    Imran Khan's arrest?

    If any religious mullah supporter was to say something along this line that person would have been banned instant on this forum . I am happy to see cleanshave mullah haters getting a lil taste of danda which they always have cheered when religious persons or parties are the targets ...
  6. M

    Discussion: Is Pakistan's economy failing because it is not a secular nation?

    for the past 70 years cleanshave howard,mit, oxford educated begairats have been ruling and look where that has brought us ? Pakistan needs mullahs who have to guts to implent the law and teach some values to most abc educated who are mostly dispots of highest order and currupt to core and...
  7. M

    Why do Afghans and Taliban HATE Pakistan & The Solution?

    Pakistan is an rentier state for the western hegemony and as such an agent of distablizing force for the region . Its bureaucracy, military are all dirty pro west slave from the time of colonial rule . Its sad and Unfortunate that all the namecalling, cursing by seculer liberal afghan towards...
  8. M

    PTI will lose tomorrow from Karachi

    Inshallah after ppl get taste of their currupt way of life they will move toward the religious parties (in time) like tlp and jamate islami. Thats the only way there will ever be any change in this seculer and currupt system which is running in pakistan.
  9. M

    Iran hangs its former deputy defense minister Ali Raza Akbari on charges of espionage for MI-6

    Not iran but mullahs know how to hang traitors because any other cleanshave iranian leader(like is the case with us) would have been installed and manipulated by external forces
  10. M

    General Mobeen Khan tweets about Loy Afghanistan (IMPORTANT)

    He has my support all these brown sahib ruling pakistan have brought nothing but shame and destruction to this part of the world . Coconut mullah haters base their existence on renting this nation for dollar . Atleast mullahs will bring rule of law and justice unlike our educated dalal class...
  11. M

    This is what we need for a revolution

    You need islamic ideology kind and not islamic touch ppl to have anykind of revolution in that forsaken land of unpure . TLP is only hope and you will see all this celebrity cult following will fizzle out when the real shit hits the fan . Mullahs and their folowers can only bring revolution...
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