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  1. Catalystic

    Currency, goods worth $544m confiscated at Afghan border

    Great effort to catch and confiscate, time to shut that borders for good/forever. Our drivers should not venture there as they may be at risk.
  2. Catalystic

    China is India’s enemy No. 1

    But the invasion level planning they’re doing these days is for Pakistan, not china
  3. Catalystic

    While Tejas Crawls The Thunder Rolls.

    And most important part that is the fighter pilots flying/combat skills, courage and faith in abilities. Humein apne Sherdils ka to andaza hai he, not sure about your indian samosa flyers.
  4. Catalystic

    While Tejas Crawls The Thunder Rolls.

    They know they’re on losing side so just make up shit to keep their stupid superiority complex
  5. Catalystic

    While Tejas Crawls The Thunder Rolls.

    An ordinary civilian would not be expected to know the specs. PAF guys sure, but its nonsense to expect everyone to know. We’re still waiting for you lot to try your french jet in combat, kabhi lao na, pata to chalay kya khareeda. Maybr send abhi none done again, lol
  6. Catalystic

    'Why wait till Friday?': Govt eggs on Imran to dissolve assemblies immediately instead of waiting

    So its not for the common man, makes complete sense, its all owned by ik
  7. Catalystic

    Britain on verge of collapse

    Will avenfield apartments and their filthy rich corrupt political owners survive in all this??
  8. Catalystic

    Britain on verge of collapse

    I’m inclined to think that pretty soon even usa/canada will be in this too, unless the people rise and stop these satans. They’ve caused enough bloodshed already
  9. Catalystic

    Imran’s copter rides from 2019 to 2022 cost Rs430m: Senate told

    I do not see why our politicians need copters when they alteady got protocols of 20 landcruisers Corruption, absolute corruption. All these fuckers are a sham and a stain on islamic way of governance
  10. Catalystic

    Britain on verge of collapse

    Yeah thanks to WEF and the satanic pigs behind it, chaos and destruction of europe is pretty close, not sure if much will survive. Cost of living/food/shelter and necessities has skyrocketed in entire world. Covid drama was just the beginning of this new world agenda they have, and massive...
  11. Catalystic

    'Assemblies' early dissolution may lead to govt victimisation', Moonis tells Imran

    Seems its PTI that is scared of losing their support/govts……. Q league doesn’t wanna give up their power, itne arsa baad to mili ha ayashiyan, protocol, funds, control I don’t think assemblies will be dissolved haha, PE has chance to govern now he will milk it….no way he gonna give up. Khan...
  12. Catalystic

    20% weight reduced, Agni-V can now strike targets beyond 7,000 km

    Yes go ahead and fire it on them now. Waiting for india to start firing
  13. Catalystic

    Moody's to downgrade Bangladesh's 'Ba3' rating

    WEF in background working its way to bring economic collapses. Muslim countries first on list.
  14. Catalystic

    20% weight reduced, Agni-V can now strike targets beyond 7,000 km

    Who’s your enemy 7000kms away ?? Which countries ?? I thought china and Pakistan is pretty close by. ??
  15. Catalystic

    Najam Sethi to replace Ramiz Raja as PCB chairman

    Wasn’t PSL a success due to Najam Sethi ?? He was the one who got it started. I’d give him that. Ramiz should go back to what he does best, commentry, just like shastri.
  16. Catalystic

    Imran Khan addresses supporters as decision on dissolution of assemblies

    What the hell is the logic of not dissolving now/immediately and dissolving after a week ??? Kya topi drama lagaya huwa ha. Still waiting on a deal from establishment??? Another truck ki batti, I don’t think he dares to dissolve and lose even more support…..a delay in everything is sure to...
  17. Catalystic

    From economic miracle to IMF bailout in two months, what happened to Bangladesh?

    WEF and its global chaos creation in process……
  18. Catalystic

    Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia are countries most exposed to China influence

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups. China cpec failed so far for Pakistan and its poor. If it only benefits few feudals or rich people its really not helpful.
  19. Catalystic

    Poor Pakistan Producing Third Generation Tanks!

    I would agree on the realestate part. I’ve always insisted even to my parents as well as others to stop investing in real estate. Its money parked and useless these days due to economic issues Unfortunately the decades old mentality of buying plot and waiting fir it to payback is no good. Want...
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