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  1. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    This hack stuff is all rubbish. Any Indian media news is always taken with mountain of salt.
  2. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    not sure these sholder lauinch system how effective they are in modern warfare except to shoot down helicopters and drones.
  3. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    if economy, political situation, everything else do not improve we might just see the last of the latest fighter in shape of j10c for another generation + .. i hope we are not in the situation
  4. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    why is navy interested in TB3 instead of Akinci ?
  5. syed_yusuf

    F-7 of Pakistan Air Force

    wonder why this paint pattern was never adopted
  6. syed_yusuf

    F-7 of Pakistan Air Force

    not sure why this camo patten not adopted .. it seems pretty good
  7. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

    did PA order any more beyond 4 examples?
  8. syed_yusuf

    Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

    if hangoor comes without VLS will be a big setback for Pakistan.
  9. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    This is the best picture of both color variations. The green chemo has grown on me and now my vote is to have all j10 in this pattern. Gray is very common with paf, all other fighters have it anyway
  10. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 & J-10 Over Islamabad

    what about m2000/mig-29/su-30mki/rafael
  11. syed_yusuf

    Poll - Remove the thunderbolts and drop the either thr “J” or the “F” in JF-17

    why are debating items that is long debated and settled 15 years ago J is for Joint, F is for fighter, 17 is the number that comes after 16 [think f-16] for PAF there is nothing more to it. J in JF17 was added on the request of Chinese friends end of topic
  12. syed_yusuf

    Images - Pakistan Navy Ships

    should it be 6 Jinnah class frigates nevertheless, a very impressive fleet of 22 major, modern surface components, add to it 8 Hangoor ... if could be done by 2030...
  13. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    i don't understand, 22-119 comes first and then 23-107 .. how was that possible
  14. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    both look awesome - most of the paf is in grey scheme, so i will go for camouflaged pattern for j10c
  15. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Powerplant: 1 × WS-10B[70] afterburning turbofan engines, 89.17 kN (20,050 lbf) thrust dry, 144 kN (32,000 lbf) with afterburner
  16. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    it seems 204 and 101 are the airframes rebuild and probably upgraded [FOR SURE] to blk3 [not 100% for sure]
  17. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    this is Raad I
  18. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    With after burner ws10c can produce 32000 lbs of thrust .. good 10% more than f16c blk 52+ Is this for 23rd March parade... Are we having it this year ???
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