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  1. P

    Ey India, I think You're Finished

    South Tibet is Chinese land illegally occupied by Indians. China has cleverly been waiting to become strong enough to get Indians by their neck. Chinese have apparently been advising Pakistan in the past to keep the illegal Indian occupation of J&K at the back-burner and Indians have been...
  2. P

    Pakistan is Certainly Making Israelis To React

    Well, it does bode well when an Indian try to call others filthy. Most of these filthy Indians, if not all of them, are produced while sharing all women among all men in the house. Now who keeps track of who is the father of whom. There shouldn't really be any surprise if you find this filthy...
  3. P

    Pakistan is Certainly Making Israelis To React

    Yes, the only democracy in the Middle East? What a shameless and deceptive claim! A disgraced and globally condemned murderer trying to pose as a role model. Well, Israeli democracy is the same farce democracy as the one that was exploited to bring fascists Adolf Hitler to power in Germany and...
  4. P

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country in West Africa.
  5. P

    FA-50 and JF-17 are the finalists for Malaysian Air Force's Deal: Korea Times

    Why does it mean 'it had a dubious source'? Just because a brainless Indian is claiming so? I am not sure if the post was really removed or not from their website. But even if it was, there many be equally any other reason for that.
  6. P

    Top BLA commander assassinated in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

    As if they are not fully supporting these terrorists for killing Pakistanis for a long long time now. We need to target these terrorists by all means. Even better we need to eliminate the terror-masterminds, be them Afghanis, Indians, or goras in their own hide outs.
  7. P

    Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

    56 inch is on a crying drama series these days. Coward Modi is now shedding crocodile’s tears remembering those who died due to his devastating delusional policies to deal with Covid-19 pandemic in India. India certainly stands out as the true Covid-19 hell in the whole world. It’s utter...
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