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  1. S

    Which Book are you reading

    Currently reading the book " Forty Rules of Love " written by Rumi
  2. S

    New Introductions

    - Tell your interest: i have interest in IT, forums , Military news. Pretty veteren in using forum have also worked as moderator in a game forum. - What do you do: I am Pre-Engineering student - How did you find us: I have been following defence page for a long time so from there i got this...
  3. S

    Who is Fighting Who in Syria?

    I suggest to read ''The Deserter Tale'' book written by an amercian soldier joshua key who knows the ground reality which he has mentioned in this book
  4. S

    New User

    :welcome: to :pdf: :bounce:
  5. S


    Welcome :)
  6. S

    I am new and my introduction

    :welcome: :pakistan:
  7. S

    Selam, Merhaba, Assalamualaikum!

    :welcome: . :pdf:
  8. S


    Welcome :):pdf:
  9. S


    Welcome :) have a great time , Good Luck for ISSB
  10. S


    Welcome :).... Have good time
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