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  1. S

    Why were they so fragile against jihadist @mohsen , lack of faith or unity?

    Why were they so fragile against jihadist @mohsen , lack of faith or unity?
  2. S

    Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions

    Yes I was referring to the first picture!
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    Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions

    Do you know how airplane looks like:haha::rofl:
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    Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions

    part of UAV fuselage???
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    Aleppo has fallen!

    yeah the wahabites are confirming such claims while Lavrov is reassuring Erdocunt that syrians and russians are no found to be blamed which leaves to only suspect ====> Iran
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    Iran: Purchase of Russian Su-30 fighters on agenda

    Yes I agree China is more reliable. Iran has better chances to buy stuff from China by 0.000000061 % in comparison to Russian side.
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

  8. S

    Karrar MBT l Updates, News & Discussion

    those tanks you mentioned in a case any persian gulf war can easily fall into the hands of shia fighters to the country they belong or they will be wiped out in the first wave of missile barrage
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    Iranian Space program

    One can "maybe" argue that in 21st century ordinary persian member of this forum doesnt know where space is, but for the sake of argument lets say our ordinary persian member is dumb and doesn't know where space is. But how do you stupid turkish idiots compute that man who is in charge of the...
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    Trump's Presidency And What It Would Mean For Iran - Attempt 2

    At the beginning of election campaign I thought this joker Trump is only there so Hillary can have easy task of beating him and getting presidential mandate but as time was going towards the election he gradually changed and at some point he seemed to me like a real viable option. Hillary was...
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    IRGC Commander Underlines Need to Produce Radar-Evading Missiles

    Im glad to see iranian generals are starting to work on countermeasures against laser based weapons and of course radar stealth missiles, it was about time. lasers however are pretty damn potent weapon against anything that is not coated with antilaser or flame retardant materials. I would also...
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    RQ-170 ( American martyr ) 3D Model !!!

    nah pakistan does not need this, pakistan needs brains and cojones, with that it can have everything it imagines!
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    who are you trying to fool here, your lies and blatant covering the truth that your minions leveled up the hospital in very common fashion if you cant beat them then level to the ground everything. and on the video we see kamenai and putin terrorist are bombing themselves using truck loaded...
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    Breaking: Iran unveils Saeqeh UCAV, shows captured American MQ1 Predator

    when was china using their drones in combat theater?
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    Breaking: Iran unveils Saeqeh UCAV, shows captured American MQ1 Predator

    source is farsi news web site since I cant still post any links
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    you can see it in one very short part of the video back of these drones which I have never seen before that they are in the arsenal of any country so far. I assume they were brought down by Iranians and also it seems that grey one on the right is original and the other more brighter is Iranian copy
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    The New Threat of Very Accurate Missiles

    what do you mean? Iran can be in piece for another 2 years from zionists based on recon operations or Iran will have advantage over them in two years???:what:
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    Armed forces day military parade: April 17, 2016

    and family of missiles are the problem Im guessing, especially the long range since yavar has said they need long range missiles from the shipment that were not delivered yet so they can reverse engineer it, m I right folks???
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    Shahed-129 UCAV production line

    are there any Iranian drones that operate inside Syria since I assume they are taking off from somewhere inside Iran???
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    Iran mocks Saudi offer to send ground troops to Syria.

    too bad you cant even make proper dump in indian ocean without asking IRGC navy forces, let alone assisting wahaparasites over indian ocean airspace
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