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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Impressive but still long way to go....

    History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

    India should also learn from Russia. Nobody would imagine before that Pakistan who have seen as foe of Russia will one day become a strategic partner. If Russia can forget past and looking forward for their national interest then why not India...

    History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

    After Russia joined the CPEC, the world will acknowledge the importance of CPEC and more will follow. Russia can be a big market for Pakistan's textile products specially leather products which are already very popular in Russia and also big source of food and agricultural products...

    History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

    Pakistan should only focus on development and prosperity of the country and its people. Nobody can isolate us if we act sensible... Putin visit is expected in 2017. It is possible that the agreement will be signed when President Vladimir Putin visits Pakistan as per his schedule in 2017...

    History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

    India have been too much interfering in Pakistan's internal matter since the creation of Pakistan. If India signed defence pact (LEMOA) with US and invite them to use there bases then it is not their sovereignty problem. But if Pakistan sign any strategic and economic alliance, then India says...

    History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

    Many Congratulation to Pakistan. No body can isolate Pakistan. Finally! China Pakistan Russia alliance are commencing... Great diplomatic and strategic move by Pakistan
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