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  1. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Dark and sad events in pak Constitution is dead, corrupt politicians and their military backers killed it off a long time back. Regardless of where you stand one thing is a given, Oppression never lasts and when it's toppled normally its very bloody and those who have been part of the...
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    IHC terms Imran Khan’s arrest ‘legal’ in Al-Qadir Trust case

    Right now the law in pak is worthless its everyone for themselves
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    They plot, but Allah (also) plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters.
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    Marcos says Philippines bases could be 'useful' if Taiwan attacked

    Maybe but at the moment don't sound like the Filipino's are giving access for military means.
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    Marcos says Philippines bases could be 'useful' if Taiwan attacked

    I dont mean anything, im going by what the Presidents of Philippines is saying, his talking about humanitarian related activity and evacuating Filipino's. There is nothing about military support.
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    Marcos says Philippines bases could be 'useful' if Taiwan attacked

    Thats the main quote, Reuters making a click bait article.
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    China needs foreign workers. So why won’t it embrace immigration?

    Pretty much all the gulf states do. There are more foreigners than locals.
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    US Slams Pakistan Govt For Using Blasphemy Law Against Imran Khan

    Country is pretty much tanked under PDM what will being added to a blacklist do, they can celebrate the reversal of that like they celebrated getting off it.
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    PTI on a mission to win over Biden administration

    It's a decision for whoever is in charge or wants to be in charge to take. A plan is still needed to work through this mess not seen one from anyone but the opposition (PTI) in pak.
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    PTI on a mission to win over Biden administration

    OK all that aside what's your recovery plan for Pak 🍿
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