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  1. H

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Videos of Hamas brutally killing civilians are circulating on the internet. Down with Israel, but the whole world, including 90 percent of Turkey, does not approve of Hamas.
  2. H

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's not about dying. Because of wrong decisions, there will be no such thing as Palestine. You will lose the war because fools like you act with their emotions.
  3. H

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Israel is getting tougher and the worst part is that the whole world is on Israel's side. Is there anyone among you who still thinks Hamas is right?
  4. H

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Elhamdulillah, I am 100 percent Turk and 100 percent Muslim. I'm just not stupid. It's very stupid of you not to see the next step. Don't you think Israel will take revenge for this? If they deport 2 million people from the Gaza strip, will you be held accountable? Gazans will most likely...
  5. H

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I watch what is happening with sadness. In 3 days you will cry that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Shame on you, thousands of people will die due to these irresponsible attacks. What did you achieve? Did you win the Palestinian cause because you killed 300 Israelis?
  6. H

    Israel will commit a massacre in Gaza

    Did you call me "Turkish israeli"? slanderous scum.
  7. H

    Israel will commit a massacre in Gaza

    I don't want to sound harsh, but I think Mossad is running Hamas.
  8. H

    Israel will commit a massacre in Gaza

    Hamas will withdraw after 3-5 days and hand over Gaza to Israel. There are people who are happy about this terrible situation.
  9. H

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    Of course.. they have reason to destroy Gaza.
  10. H

    Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

    I see some fools are happy. Soon Israel will completely destroy Gaza. Israel was looking for a reason to destroy Gaza. Hamas is helping Israel. If you are not stupid, you can guess what will happen next.
  11. H

    U.S. Jet Shoots Down Turkish Drone Over Syria

    Iran has no attack on the USA, all it knows is to attack Sunni Muslims. When it comes to hostility towards Turkey; Russia, the USA and Iran are partners. The USA is giving Iran an opportunity to stir up the Middle East. Their only purpose is to create a Shiite-Sunni conflict and divide Muslims.
  12. H

    Turkey launches airstrikes against 20 PKK terrorist facilities following deadly Ankara blast

    SDG and PKK are exactly the same. Even the top management is common, there are managerial transfers from PKK to SDG from time to time. This news is old. Turkey is currently the only country actually fighting against ISIS. Hundreds of militants were arrested and killed.
  13. H

    Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

    Even the Iranians' prototypes are embarrassingly funny. It is ridiculous to compare the superior Turkish defense industry with Iran. My request to the administration is to close this thread. @waz please.
  14. H

    Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

    No problem. We are fighting Russia, the USA and Iran at the same time in Syria. Our relations with all three countries are good.
  15. H

    Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

    I'm glad an agreement was reached. It's good to see that Iranians accept some things. Of course, there is no war between us and we are never enemies.
  16. H

    Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

    90 percent of what Iranians write is lies and propaganda. I don't approve of MMM-E, but at least he's not lying.
  17. H

    Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

    Don't you read Iranians' posts? They constantly insult Turkey. If you insult someone, of course you will be insulted in return.
  18. H

    Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

    These trolls constantly humiliate Turkey. Comparing the Turkish defense industry with a backward country like Iran is, of course, an insult to Turkey. Now, how would you feel if I compared Pakistan and Afghanistan? Also, it is even written in their shared sources that the Safavids and Shah...
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