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  1. N

    Love Jihadis are winning in India!

    This post should be in the Jokes section.
  2. N

    Do you believe in a/some spiritual Guru/Sant/Saint/Pir/Baba ?

    I only believe in Good food. We go to dargah on thurday to eat Mithe chawal , to madir to get extra parshad and langar in Gurudwara Sahib, go to stasang baba ji on Saturday , cause food is amazing there. And I do give money when I visit there, also give full respect, not like white people who...
  3. N

    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    So is birthday still in testing phase or cleared the testing now?
  4. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    My friend was saying why pansuti came there? I knew we are going to loose the moment he came to know about it lol.
  5. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Because they thought aus can bat India out of match by scoring big in 1st 10 overs. And also by attacking u don't let bowlers to settle down. But I guess they failed on both accounts . Now , whoever don't panic will win this game. Score is not that much and with dew , scoring will be far easier.
  6. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I feel we are minimum 30 Runs short on this pitch. Ideal score to win is 275-290 . Hope Australia does some mistakes in 1st 15overs or score realy slow. Otherwise we are fkd. My wife was so mad at SKY. She was asking why he is trying to hit in back when AUS r bowling slow and has a fielder...
  7. N

    NYC is Building Anti-Homeless Streets…

    just build big halls , instead of rooms. And tell any1 can live or sleep there. Would be cheaper and easier to check hobo for any diseases, and educate them etc.
  8. N

    NYC is Building Anti-Homeless Streets…

    But why not just construct free basic apartments instead of wasting this much effort.
  9. N

    Rail locos from Japan stuck on pricing front :India Today

    Pakistan chose low weight tank because of bridge strength in Pakistan. Any1 can confirm ?
  10. N

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    I understand why u used it. I was wondering why not using Fork and spoon now. All your food can be eaten by fork and spoon , it's far easier to use. For dough you have to use hands , for rest we use spoons to mix stuff. In South its thier culture to use hands. I don't think in North or in...
  11. N

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    I was talking about rice, no 1 would eat a Pizza or chapati with fork lol. Chinese food is easier to eat with fork and spoon. I did it without any problem. In 90% cases, Hands and Chopsticks r now cultural thing than a necessity I think.
  12. N

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    Actually there's 1 thing I never understood of Chopsticks . Why not just use forks and spoon ? I have seen chinese eat and I couldn't think a single item that cannot be eaten easier with forks and spoon . Same with eating with hands , I know it's cultural thing but now spoons are so cheap...
  13. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I don't care win or loose , ok I do care lol . but I need india to fight till the last minute in case they are loosing.
  14. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Hands down the Best , the Best game of the world cup. This is what a game should be like, excitement till the end.
  15. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    If only SA had scored 100 more runs.
  16. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I don't think you have watched the previous matches on this ground. Earlier, the team who won toss usually won as it has advantage. Now this pitch was neutral, toss doesn't matter. Whoever plays better wins. If it was same pitch and as India won the toss had chosen to bat, than every1 would...
  17. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Ok so what was the point of Changing wicket to a spin wicket? LoL This has been a very good wicket to bat. Just need extra effort to get batsman out. India is a very good team, it can play spin and fast paced wicket equally well.
  18. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I think this match is for India to loose now. There's no way NZ can win now, we have very good bowling attack.
  19. N

    EXCLUSIVE: Cricket World Cup STORM As India Are Accused of Switching the Pitch for Semi-Final Clash in Mumbai Against ICC agreement to Aid Spinners:

    This is stupid, Indias pace attack is also very strong. And NZ are good players of spin bowling.
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