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  1. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Well u can thank lord rothchild for it..( isreal ) U know zac goldsmiths father in law..
  2. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Well the hamas zombies thought they are in disney land🤣🤣
  3. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The fight aint over yet, Its a 15 round finale..
  4. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Because i see innoccent palestinian getting killed.. even more now. And if u r such a supporter of the iranian thugs, hamas, and hezbollah.. Why not give them a hand, and join them. There,,. ,,
  5. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The window of ops for IDF , TO VAPOURISE, HAMAS, PIJ, AND HEZB, , MYBE LIMITED, CAUSE WHEN THE PALESTINIAN CAUSULATIES.N, DEATHS, Start covering tv screens, the other half of world will start crying, and demanding sympathy,justice, rights,..of palestine,... But the other half...
  6. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Did u ever see a black polish? Most jews, were murdered by hitler in poland.
  7. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    No_ they are enjoying it, And even praising the dumvit mullah of iran, To go total mahyem, So iran , along the hamas thugs can be delt by the rest od the world..
  8. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The dumvit mullah of iran, WHo finance,equip,and intel, Aint happy about saudi& isreal ties now, So they arranged a blood bath of palestine people, Some will cheer, join, hamas, PIJ, and some other nitvits.. HAmas will get more money from mullah also, exposure, on media, boost there ranks...
  9. Baghial

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

  10. Baghial

    Why do I keep getting banned?

    PDf is a tight community. They like to stick with rheir pals,n, like minded poodels, As soon as u go arounds, there wishes, thought, and opinion, u.ll, get sacked,,.. No matter what rules, thy tell u have broken, the gist is they dont want ur piece of mind.
  11. Baghial

    ‘unacceptable’ Kabul calls Pakistan’s decision to expel undocumented Afghan nationals ‘unacceptable’

    At least some one understands , some facts here.. The rest 80 % Here are conception of dharna,..where evey kanjari , was free.to ride dikks Then the quoom e youth was born.
  12. Baghial

    Successful software update started on our brothers from central punjab as well

    Oh i forgot. U got the dharna syndrome..injection.up yours Nevermind.. i wont argue with a wall again. Well they are fcking the youthia s. Thats the 1st right direction...
  13. Baghial

    ‘unacceptable’ Kabul calls Pakistan’s decision to expel undocumented Afghan nationals ‘unacceptable’

    Afghan transit trade is 7 billion$. The taliban get only 2 billion. The rest stays in pak land . ,, the golden egg goose for pak army is goining to get roosted,, Welldone, hafiz..
  14. Baghial

    Successful software update started on our brothers from central punjab as well

    The original plan is of jews, and indian.. To disrespect pak army in eyes of public. But when the same army, installed the idiot on pm, seat, the same army was, good democrazy loving, and honkey dory. But when the retard got kicked out due to incompetence. The idiot bit the hand whic fed him...
  15. Baghial

    Can PTI be Finished?

    Can shaitan be finished?? Shud be the name of this thread👍👍🤣🤣
  16. Baghial

    Angry mob in lahore almost killed shabaz shrif. This is future for asim munir as well

    Millions are still delusioned by the nazi joker.. And still prfer to live allusions... IK KHAAN ID ROOSTED GOOSE .GAME OVER.. THANKS TO ALLAH ALL MIGHTY.👍 Pak army zindabad. General hafiz munir shah zada.. Death to the followers of shaitan .. Hafiz jee tunn keh rekhoo...
  17. Baghial

    All facts prove PTI chief is foreign agent, says Fazl

    The same ones, who hybred imoron khaan
  18. Baghial

    Angry mob in lahore almost killed shabaz shrif. This is future for asim munir as well

    Yes.. another niazi , All the nasal is eunuchs... Example... the mentally handicapped imoron khan. Since mushraf, he was a lap dog.of every general. Only raheel din,t pay much attention to the joker Hard to digest, aint it.. When u find out, the crush of ur life is.. Whore of the...
  19. Baghial

    For imran khan and Pakistan we must come out. They going to kill him

    ANother jew lover? To rescue their love boy?
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