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  1. vishwambhar

    Ethiopia showcased officially the Bayraktar TB-2

    Is there a border dispute with Sudan and Ethiopia??? Do you have some additional information on this
  2. vishwambhar

    Ethiopia showcased officially the Bayraktar TB-2

    Is Ethiopia arming herself against possible Egyptian attack on it's dam.....
  3. vishwambhar

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    Indian government should do something about removing above map especially grey and white permanently from internet,.... it's really disturbing...... Pressurize Google if it's necessary......
  4. vishwambhar

    Is Indian Aircraft Carrier a Big Threat for Pakistan Navy?

    Does it mean our Barak can handle DF carrier killer missile?
  5. vishwambhar

    Bayraktars Are Falling! Turkey’s ‘Much-Hyped’ TB2 Drones Are Losing Steam Against Russian Missiles As Ukraine Limits Their Usage

    Now we are fully AKASH equipped country.... do you have any idea when our AAD & PAD system will ne active? This is enough to explain that drones can win war against countries like Armenia..... it can not be a game changer against some serious military power.....
  6. vishwambhar

    WATER.... Do you feel scared???

    I enjoy when train passes over river bridge especially in konkan railway travel you get plenty of such bridges Sometimes it's okay but sometimes such turbulence are scary.....
  7. vishwambhar

    WATER.... Do you feel scared???

    My experience almost similar in kolhapur Maharashtra... I will share after office
  8. vishwambhar

    WATER.... Do you feel scared???

    I remember when I was 8 years old I used to take a bath when in that old house where 100s of flying big cockroaches used to be sitting on the wall..... Today at this 35 plus I find it impossible to even take a face wash if there is a single cockroach which appears once in ages.... Age certainly...
  9. vishwambhar

    WATER.... Do you feel scared???

    Both i had dog who by mistake bite me and now three cats I have 2 females and one male...... about cat bite reason is my big terrace flat on the first floor in my building..... Since it's big terrace flat on first floor many street cats try to explore and end up fighting with my cats...... Once...
  10. vishwambhar

    WATER.... Do you feel scared???

    Hi guys if similar thread has been discussed then request mods to delete this thread..... Like my previous thread about a fear on sleeping alone in hotel room this is another week point in my life.... Unknown water..... I'm myself a great swimmer and can dive even at the height of around 20...
  11. vishwambhar

    Southwestern Iran Scorched As Temperature Hits Over 52°C

    I understand that if we don't try to protect our nature now in future it will surely have very bad effects but global warming is a hype being made by certain groups as if entire Earth is going to die in next decade itself..... I have discussed such things with my grand parents also..... Believe...
  12. vishwambhar

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    you yourself start a thread saying USAGE OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT SHOUD BE STOPPED..... and then you say its South Asia or Asian continent.... if you are so much convinced then why to start a thread to begin with????
  13. vishwambhar

    Southwestern Iran Scorched As Temperature Hits Over 52°C

    Off course we must try to protect earth from global warming but this is nothing..... world has seen hottest day upto 56.7 degrees in 1913 when world wasn't burning that much coal...... global warming is hype but off course I'm I the favor of green and healthy earth 🌎...
  14. vishwambhar

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent @MultaniGuy If it's not at all Indian subcontinent and South Asia subcontinent then why to start such thread to begin with???
  15. vishwambhar

    India’s Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM) flight-tested for the first time

    Excellent news.... and Excellent addition to the capacity complementing AKASH...
  16. vishwambhar

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    true.... never heard indo pak subcontinent..... its Indian subcontinent globally..... no idea on urdu version....
  17. vishwambhar

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    agreed but it originates in Tibet..... imagine if you didn't have friendly relations with China and they decided to build a dam or something.... if it was originating in Pak then you could have called it totally Pak river.... India too is benefited from water of this river....
  18. vishwambhar

    Is Germany’s Rifle Nightmare Finally Over?

    both are equally good but I would choose HK 416 as it looks cool...
  19. vishwambhar

    Kiev regime artillery men attack Donbas civilian food infrastructure to punish Donbas where president Yanukovych was from, which is war crime

    You never called me sanghi but bro @jamahir and bro @Shakuni Mama leave it guys..... Stop fighting.....
  20. vishwambhar

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    Like South Africa I would have loved it more if India was named as South Asia instead of India...... Indus originates from Tibet my friend and then crossing kashmir it goes into Pakistan..... So it's not solely a Pak river.....
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