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  1. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    The links you started to share in this discourse were googled. So you are the first who ran to google to make a case. Now you are trying to dodge the reality by blaming me for merely replying to you in kind. I've seen first hand how Pakistanis bypass the immigration queue with fraud in Canada...
  2. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    What is there to divert?! You are able to get these links from your bookmark without googling? :laugh: I can surely post endless links about Pakistanis involved in immigration fraud. Here is one more - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/apr/26/pakistan-student-visas-uk Do your best now...
  3. Wood

    Qatar Investment Authority considering about $3bn investment in Pakistan: report

    The urgency of the situation was the reason for legislating around the bidding process. I've said this many times now and you must have surely read it. Yet the same cyclical argument against asset monetization continues. Let me state it again: a) Pakistan needed money urgently to avoid...
  4. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    I can easily google 'Pakistan visa fraud' to see many cases where Pakistanis have committed similar offences. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2021-003710_EN.html Here we have high ranking diplomat from Pakistan...
  5. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    If no one trusts Indian professionals with anything, then there will be no Indian companies working in Australia. Australia would not engage in talks for FTA with India. The statistics that can be googled clearly say that Pakistanis emigrate on a higher per capita basis than Indians do. I've...
  6. Wood

    Qatar Investment Authority considering about $3bn investment in Pakistan: report

    Are there competing offers to Qatar with a higher bid? If the assets are publicly listed, then is Qatar paying lesser than what a share is traded at market today? Pakistani forces providing security for Qatar is no different from American forces providing security for Saudi Arabia.
  7. Wood

    DigitalOcean to Buy Pakistan’s Cloudways for $350 Million

    The founders of this company will likely use the proceeds of the sale to build a better company! :cheers:
  8. Wood

    Pakistan has arranged $4bn in financing from friendly countries.

    This is unbridled speculation. It is not the first time that Gulf countries have invested in Pakistan. 🤦‍♂️
  9. Wood

    Qatar Investment Authority considering about $3bn investment in Pakistan: report

    This government seems to be very successful in attracting capital into the country. :cheers:
  10. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    I can assure you that Pakistanis also bring their tribe over (to west) by shady means. On a per capita basis, they are no less prevalent than Indians.
  11. Wood

    Pakistan has arranged $4bn in financing from friendly countries.

    Yes, it is a necessity and not a choice. The government will do what has to be done to avoid a default. This was the only option.
  12. Wood

    Pakistan has arranged $4bn in financing from friendly countries.

    ..because Pakistan does not have a good record of returning what was borrowed previously. All previous governments are collectively responsible for the disrepute. However, I would argue that this asset monetization plan is much better for Pakistan. Instead of having an obligation to pay back...
  13. Wood

    Pakistan has arranged $4bn in financing from friendly countries.

    Pakistan does not have the luxury of time to go through the bidding process. IMF demands bridging finance and the country needed to arrange for immediate support. Considering the situation, I'd say that Pakistan got lucky with this bargain. Without it, a default may have been more likely.
  14. Wood

    Pakistan has arranged $4bn in financing from friendly countries.

    Yes, this asset monetization deal is an at risk investment from UAE.
  15. Wood

    Pakistan mulls taking upfront cost of CPEC projects

    The monarchs do not follow the US blindly anymore. They are trying to become more 'neutral' because of policy flip flops from the White House. :undecided:
  16. Wood

    Pakistan mulls taking upfront cost of CPEC projects

    This must be highlighted for the PTI supporters who keep peddling that Chinese prefer Imran's administration over PDM. The reality is that the Chinese have more reason to cheer Imran's exit than any other country. :coffee:
  17. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Pakistanis are just as capable of organized misdemeanor as anyone else. You are living in a bubble if you think Pakistanis are better than Indians or anyone else for that matter.
  18. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Yes, Pakistanis are too noble for such shenanigans. :laugh:
  19. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Surprised to see that Indians are so economically well off despite the fact that majority of those who come in are sponsored by family :pop:
  20. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    This is typical far right rant that is seen everywhere in the world. The far right's fear of replacement could be driven by religion or race and is not restricted to immigrant nations like the US. It is unavoidable and can at best be managed. :agree:
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