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  1. POKEMON12


    Yup. We shut that IPF/GA forum. And they are crooks.
  2. POKEMON12


    Soon he will be PoKeMon Jr.
  3. POKEMON12


    Good evening @hinduguy
  4. POKEMON12


    Bus badhiya. Socha @JonAsad ko hello bol du yaha aake. :lol:
  5. POKEMON12

    Mumbai Drama

    Let me act as conspiracy theorist(zaid hamid of India). I will say "Daily blast in karachi and lahore is done by ISI and gov of Pakistan so as to take sympathy and dollors from west as aid. They have no respect for their citizen and their lives. Only money matters " Will it sound better...
  6. POKEMON12

    Sri Lanka buying Al-Khalid Tanks from Pakistan

    @ Paksher Can you provide some srilankan source saying so? or are you coming straight from Zaid Hamid show? :rofl::rofl:
  7. POKEMON12

    JF17 V LCA Picture Comparison Thread

    Dont waste your time dude. Even we induct 1000 LCA their JF 17 wil always be better.
  8. POKEMON12

    JF17 V LCA Picture Comparison Thread

    Ya my poor soul is jealous. The whole world is jealous of JF 17. It is the most beautiful AC ever. Indians dont have any beauty. All su 30 mki, mig 29 and mirages suxx.
  9. POKEMON12

    JF17 V LCA Picture Comparison Thread

    We dont need real fighter to combat JF17. Toys like LCA would we sufficient. So be precautious, sometimes toys hurt.:lol:
  10. POKEMON12

    JF17 V LCA Picture Comparison Thread

    looking pathetic in this pic.
  11. POKEMON12

    Wishlist: What systems/arms do you think Indian armed forces should go for?

    1. Stealth drones. 2. ICBM 3. Anti ballistic missile system capable of penetrating ICBM also with negligible reaction time. 4. Thermal and electromagnetic sensor equipped network of surveillence satellite network covering whole earth. 5. Tanks with anti aircraft missile system. 6. Anti...
  12. POKEMON12

    India drubs Pakistan to enter semis

    Indian jatt I miss yur post in enthusiasm.:cheers:
  13. POKEMON12

    India drubs Pakistan to enter semis

    :frown: but china is beating hell out of all nations in asian games.:cry:
  14. POKEMON12

    India drubs Pakistan to enter semis

    :victory::victory: Also in 49 kg boxing Indian boxer beat pakistani Boxer thats too 11-0.
  15. POKEMON12

    Zardari offers Pak warm waters to Chinese

    o.k your choice sir. But I think justification of Pak-China relations given by you are the same given for Pak-US relations 3 decades before. Hope history doesn't repeat itself.
  16. POKEMON12

    ‘Pakistan, a borrowed economy; heading to economic failure’

    sir can you please elaborate where did I boast of India? India has its own set of problems but no one can deny economy wise its better than Pak. And I dont login on PDF with a predefined mood to fight with guys and ya about goodwill I always want and u know what I will have yours goodwill too...
  17. POKEMON12

    Zardari offers Pak warm waters to Chinese

    I somewhat agrees. China and India both are going through major economic reforms and their mentality is shifting more toward professional , realistic and sustainable competition. On the other side some pakstanis, in my opinion, who are more emotional and religious with adrenaline raging in ther...
  18. POKEMON12

    Corruption in India

    If some Lalus or mayabatis(thanks to corruption) becomes billionaire does it means lower class empowerment? Sorry didn't get you..........
  19. POKEMON12

    Corruption in India

    Mayawati, Paswan, Laloo :hitwall:
  20. POKEMON12

    ‘Pakistan, a borrowed economy; heading to economic failure’

    If you accept it, I am sure you will contribte to your economy. Hope their are more like u in Pak.:cheers: Rest conspiracy theorists will kill their time in day dreaming. :lol:
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