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  • I feel sad when I see and read about what's going to happen to Arabs as our Nabi was from that nation.

    But what about Romans, would they be in large numbers. It's almost the Middle East would be forsaken.
    Salaam brother,

    I have a question, I'm a student of Hadith and study time to time if time permits. But I always questions one thing, if the Arabs and Persians will be wiped out and gone -- what will remain afterwards. Are we then counting down to Qiyamah? I often times feel we are in the last few decades of this worlds life.
    Could you point out the references to the ahadith that talk about these three fitnas with their names please, regards
    of course, it's in Sunanu Abu Dawud N 4244, and also in musnad Ahmed N (2/133) (6168) and in musnad Al Hakim N (4/513) and the Hadith has been corrected by Sheikh Albani Rahimahu Allah
    of course, it's in Sunanu Abu Dawud N 4244, and also in musnad Ahmed N (2/133) (6168) and in musnad Al Hakim N (4/513) and the Hadith has been corrected by Sheikh Albani Rahimahu Allah
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