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  • My apologies for the outburst earlier. Thanks for pointing out the fact. Once again, apologies.

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    Anyway, do not worry too much about what happened in the thread, really, It is all cool. No problem at all and I look forward for more positive interactions.
    I was actually trying to be funny when I posted what I did, but it came out badly, I agree, intent was to be funny, but now it is actually funny how that turned out to be a disaster. I totally understand what you typed, hence a systematic purge of my posts

    Thanks for pointing out, my sincere apologies again
    Forget it!! Just focus on future contributions. :) Will look forward to future interactions!
    Infact i am studying people's reaction & mentality from different countries... Sorry if i offended you :)

    Iranian members have their own think tank groups outside pdf :D
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    No not me but your attitude there was surprising and frankly sir, i am not sure if a public forum is the right place to do so. Anyway, what is done is done and i hope we will have much more positive and constructive contribution from you in future.
    And about the Iranian TT group outside PDF, that is great. I hope they contribute something better to Iran, world or any internet forum. Anything will do as long as it is a positive effort :)
    Lolz, what happened to you man? That outburst was not surprising than disappointing.

    Anyway, i hope we are over it now and look forward to further more constructive and useful interaction. Thanks for understanding.

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    Reactions: SOHEIL
    Aik sawal hay mujh pay 1 month ban kiyon laga?
    I think it was due to some abusive language and slangs you used in a post of yours against PMLN. That was the main reason that moderators took the action and banned you. This same question was asked by some other members regarding you as well and I quoted him/her the same reason. I though you got that message.
    Anyway dear, do not worry too much about it. You are back now and i hope you will enjoy your stay here and contribute something positive to the forum.

    Give me sometime and i will get you involved on some private discussion about such matters.
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    Reactions: Arsalan
    Frankly, i am not really interested in the pics as i am in the source as there are certain projects i would like to work on on internet and any people associated with this development work will help. I mean the people taking all these pics are not matures surely and they are guys hired for this job alone. Knowing them severs me well so that is why i was bothering you.
    Hi I have been Thread banned from that " Appeal for peace " thread
    Ok, replying about what?

    and I also cannot find the thread appeal for peace. Were you referring to "An Appeal Against the Bloodshed" thread?
    Stephen Cohen
    Yes I was referring to that thread

    However now my reply to you in another thread is NOT visible
    because the NEW thread is awaiting moderation
    "An Appeal Against the Bloodshed" is up and running and perhaps you are banned because enough number of your flaming posts were reported by members there.

    Tell me about that other thread as well, title, if you want me to check that?
    sirji tum mere saath zulm ker rahe ho ye achee baat nahi
    What? It was an insulting remark! You did so in two posts, i rated just one and then decided against it and simple reported the posts for deletion!

    Mullah ge is not an insult but the way you meant it was surely an offensive tone.
    Refrain from personal attacks!
    Hi, One of our TT member's father had liver cancer---I can't remember who it was---. Plz let me know if you recall.
    I will ask around and let you know.
    Good Afternoon sirji i was banned for 5 months but why i still dont have any idea but then its good to be back on PDF again looking forward to your coopration thanks in advance
    The political extremism in our country is on track to dwarf our religious extremism. I see it becoming a manic that may destroy our society.
    That he is. But i do have a feeling that we will need a leader and not a politician if we are to address our issues. :)
    Anyway, the point i was trying to make here was that no matter which party one support, the support should be because one thinks that this party can do a better job at serving Pakistan, right? So in a nut shell if it is all for the betterment of Pak then we should cut all this extremism.
    AS you mentioned, we need to show more tolerance towards each other and work as a nation but a bunch of individuals!!
    I second it. :)
    with respect to all my Indian friends, Arsalan,

    We are blood brothers except that , we have many things in difference.

    I am sorry.

    though ur Muslim and i am hindu but we ar brother.
    am sorry for if i hurt u.
    I am saying all this becoz i just readed pouru story
    and one more thing you cant do anything to me. But i know that somehow we have some relation and u know that.
    Your reply is the hight of Sarcasm. God bless you
    Again, here in this part i explained what NOT TO DO, Merely tried to explain the rules in simple words. This forums is not your facebook or twitter page (it is not and that is a fact) where one is allowed to post anything one likes. This is all true now, right? AGAIN, i don't see where is any sarcasm here?
    I will like you to point me to the part which you felt as sarcastic or refrain from making judgements. It will be better if you focus on quality of your posts and earn the respect that many of your country men have here. Regards
    Hi Arsalan,
    I dont think you r at our level,so dont talk about our countrymen. Have not you seen the Paris summit where our pri minister decided your future ?

    oh you are such a ignorant who is chauvinist but hide himself in shadow of our priminister.
    Anyway if would say to you that please come and se the development in Bangalore then what would you say ?
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