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Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
I agree. I said so in one of my posts. We need $... under the table is fine. We need to bring inflation down. And we need money for weapon systems...

War is staring us in face. And this Fuzla is wagging Hybridwar on us... so getting one fitna out of country is wise. Then Billo and Zardari... and finally crushing of MullahMaffia.
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The way government is going about making guarantees possible is awkward... looks like just time gaining tactics so more details of the deal can be ironed out to get more assurances...looks like Maryam was not part of the deal told to IK but plan was to facilitate her getaway.
Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Maryam needs to go. Period. Enough cases against her, including ArshadMalikVideoGames. FIA played dead to create space for the escape.

What is material, however, is dismantling of the maffia. This can only happen when the return of NooraFamily back is stopped permanently. Then the party can be divided and smaller fish can be brought to justice to demonstrate justice.
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Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Otherwise, it is going to be hell...with Hasina of Pakistan. Same for Billo. IK is good catalyst for accelerating the clean up.. but given the nature of our society we need to take the head out first. The rest will fall easy.
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Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
All those tough talking ministers were counter strike.. because all of sudden they came forward.. knowing full well that ECL was coming after the super fast bails.

Showbaaz teased it a bit too much. So counter strike.. but money can only come through under the table deals... and it is a % not total.
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Why is IK against Maryam's departure at the moment?

I think IK wants to strike double if Sharifs do not pay the remaining installments of the deal.
Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Could be. But then Nanni needs to be in jail, don't you think?
Nooraz can NEVER be trusted. Period.
Unless money is already pledge by Q or T ... trusting Showbaaz is like feeding a snake.
Give an inch now, loose a mile later!
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Yes, Nani should be put back in jail if she decides to do politics and goes against the deal or sharifs do not pay up.
I think that Judge Video game case is being kept on ice for this purpose of keeping Maryam under check.
Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Also DawnLeaks and MediaCells need to be brought out of freezer... also when from PM house... slowly we need to move towards MarasiMedia.
But 20/80 rule for now. Get these two families out and then move in for ruthless accountability. IK needs to dissolve this MarasiParliment sooner than later!
Still, what I dont like about this approach is lack of open plea bargain... I mean it should be the other way around.

Sharifs have been trying to make a deal. Then why on their terms without plea bargain? there should have been a pla bargain with a twist.
They should have been pressurized so much that they would be begging for Plea bargain.

Then plea bargain should have only been accepted if they agree to pay billions of dollars under the table first and then given plea bargain.
Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Money is in UK and other place. How long do you think it is going to take to bring back any amount? forget about full recovery. I just wish there be CCTV footage and audio/video of Noora in jail and hospital... Within this Nizam we are fighting with hands tied back... NooraJudges... lets never forget.
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Not pressurizing Sharifs enough and not from start is another blunder...IK only promised to take down A/Cs when going for UNGA ...why not PTI used jail conditions against Shairfs instead of giving them time to play out their games...
Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Because PTI gov is facing maffia and doesnt know how to deal with the old hands
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Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
Great post! We need to do this as well. But getting the Dons/Godfathers out is the key. Then the second tier can sing and be convicted.
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What I suggested is just a crude form, legal minds can come up with a lot better and more stricter laws to make life miserable for corrupt had it been done from the word go...
Mangus Ortus Novem
Mangus Ortus Novem
No. Not crude. It is solid framework. Remember... law is principle and legal is technicality.

We need to move towards Lawful and move away from legal.

Great post. I am proud of you!!!
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