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Bussard Ramjet
Indian leadership is more intelligent than their public statements. Similar for other countries. The thing is that in a democracy, everyone has to sell the public their ideas and dreams, etc. Hyping things is a very useful way to make people like you even if you don't believe it.
Hype things to get vote? How about long term vision?
Singapore leader said indian politics is childish and naive
Bussard Ramjet
I agree to some extent. Singapore is a unique country. I just want to ask, how is it that you are awake at 2:30 AM in your country. Just curious. Do you usually sleep so late?
I am off for annual leave
I hope u have given up your china study plan. Your Chinese =0
do u even have a passport?
Bussard Ramjet
Oh cool. I know, but there are many places which teach courses in English. I had a friend of mine who did his Masters in Tsinghua in CS. Let's see. I have also joined a Chinese class here which I will be going every weekend for 2 hours. So 4 hours every week. I think it will help. Anyways, there are many profs in China who are overseas returnees and who can speak English very well.
Bussard Ramjet
In fact one prof from Shanghai Jiaotong University even invited me to apply in his university when I was talking to him about HPC.
Being abroad so what? Their spoken English is still crap. In lab students speak Chinese in US u know? I have been lots of labs, Australian and Ameicans, no need to speak English. Pls do not go to my uni, thanks. 4 yours a week? U r kidding me? Then u need 10000 weeks. How many saving u have? U do understand China’s bus ticket is 2 yuan not 1 yuan in India right?
Teaching course in English is totally crap. My course is so called English based. Yes, PowerPoint in English. Their spoken English just too bad, they sill read slides. At last they all switch back to Chinese. All of them are from top 20 world uni, so what
Bussard Ramjet
Man, I am a person up for a challenge. Also, that 4 hours is just my official training. I will be spending time at home as well. On the whole around 10 hours a week, for 100 weeks and I will be decent to go.
I am not a child, I am an adult; and my aim is not to speak flawless Chinese. My aim is to read and understand Chinese.
U do undetsnd we use 4 character idiom which come from history books and ancient literature? And we use ancient poems line all the time! People can stay in China learning Chinese for 10 years and still cannot get the point
U do know we spend hundred of hours of learning ancient literature and poems? We use them all the time especially in written books and on TV/movie. U check Xi’ speech, full of them
Check 围魏救赵 / 三顾茅庐 /
Bussard Ramjet
Yes I do. But those people don't do effort to learn Chinese. Many expats today in Shanghai and beijing live in their own bubbles and don't do the effort.
Also, as I said, once I know basic Chinese, even if a professor is using some sentences of Chinese I will be comfortable.
Let's see....
Just give u some basic examples. And how many efforts u have to make to understand the historic context behind these highly used Chinese idioms
For lab Chinese maybe it is enough. But to read news in Chinese to understand culture, need years. https://youtu.be/A4DiVLjdmFE all lyrics from ancient poems, all compulsory reciting materials. 19:49 poem by South Tang’s very last emperor. When u can undstand this poem, then your Chinese is good
Bussard Ramjet
I will keep you updated on my progress on Chinese. Did you read that comment on Quora?
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