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Pakistan Defence

Hi Hirobo2,

Thanks for writing to me. I thought of about this for a while about 'helping' people think outside the box.

In the Art of War, there is Deception and Deterrent. In Deception, you want to confuse the enemy by deceptive informations into making a mistake, and delay them as long as possible, to make a correct decision.
This step has been accomplished regarding J-20 and WS-15. US has been fooled into cancelling the fearsome F-22 in 2009 and made a big bet on F-35.

It is a very significant accomplishment of the Chinese Deception Program, that none of the fired USAF Generals was able to resist the Pentagon's decision by quoting US intelligence to support them.
Instead, Robert Gates use the erroneous estimate that China won't have a stealth plane before 2020 to support his decisions. CIA has a lot of spies and agents in China. And China was able to fool US by feeding those spies with false intelligences.

The part of delaying them to reverse the decision has also been accomplished by deceiving them that J-20 was running WS-10X or AL-31FN.
They are now stuck with the difficulty decision of restarting F-22 now, which will take at least 5 years, or go all out with F-35. No easy way out at out. No matter what they do.

But WHY I am helping to them to see the truth, now?

Here comes the Deterrent part of the Art of War. We might not want War, but if you can't deter enemy from making war on you, war will come to you anyway.
There is still a few years before J-20 is combat ready. All the major subsystems and missiles need to be tested and integrated.

The US Neocons think it still beat China in a conventional war. So they are eager to start one with China. China must deter them from making wars. It's up to China to show some muscle now. J-20 is going to be China's Iron Fist in a war.
China must demonstrate that J-20 is vastly SUPERIOR to F-20 to prevent war.

That's why China is demonstrating J-20 could do a effortless sustain vertical climb in front of thousands of spectators and foreign spies.

This is intentional to leak the startling power of WS-15. Deterrence only works if the other side gets the message loud and clear.
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