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Pakistan Defence

Saudi media said some 350,000 forces from the Persian Gulf Arab states and a number of other countries will take part in the Saudi-led military maneuver in the area of Hafer al-Batin in northern Saudi Arabia.
Some 2,540 warplanes, 20,000 tanks and 460 helicopters will also participate in the exercise, dubbed “North Thunder.”
In 18 days of maneuvers, the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed.
Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan and Persian Gulf Arab states are among the 25 countries that will take part in the military exercises.
I doubt such numbers being available.. But i have to see how many will finally come.. I think its 25 nations combined forces...

But not possible for the exercise
This exercise is already being warned by many countries
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
So, do you think the $hit can hit the fan?
I doubt it.. I think its Pressure tactics... a show of force and allies out in open.. USA is against it, Russia already said the same< EU also< syria also..
Perhaps its to send a msg to both Syria and Iran... About capabilities and allies..
Think for a moment other than GCC who will send tanks, jets and soldiers all together..
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
Yes, but as we speak Turkey is shelling a place in Syria near Aleppo, where the Russian led forces are putting a siege. And this comes after Turkey announced possibility of joint intervention in Syria.
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
The Arab states are hell bent to get Asad out and Russia is adamant to remove all armed groups.
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
Some say that Turkey is doing very heavy shelling and the coalition will enter in Syria by opening two fronts. While Medvedev has said unwanted foreign intervention will be considered an act of war.
Turkey is partially going rogue and has been acting against the interest of NATO.. This shelling will create more issues.. Saudi Arabia wants a ground offensive no doubt but Turkey IMHO is fishing in troubled waters
It will soon be a World War 3... if this nonsense continues and Syria will be the trigger point
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
I feel the matters are too serious, the Chinese FM has called for peace and ceasefire . While Syrian Arab Army advances in Aleppo by taking one village after other.
Yes China does not want escalation.. But what will anybody do when Saudi and turkey dont want to listen to anything...
Its becoming more serious no doubt... Putin wont remain quiet forever.. Hope Obama also talks to his coalition folks..
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
I will want that Turkey and saudi delay it untill Aleppo is liberated. Because Aleppo is the biggest strong hold of ISIS.
Chinese are smart and they might be mediating between Washington and Moscow right now. Arab nations need to hold their horses.
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar
The weird part is that English propaganda channels of Russia is not talking anything about the situation in Aleppo for some 4-5 hours when the Turkish Army started the shelling.
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