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I read ur post on Senior's cafe. Will reply back to it later. Btw it's quite an accomplishment to have reduced ur body fat from 34% to 13%. My issue is weight loss, I loose weight at the drop of a hat. :D
Thank You. well girls will have a tendency to have a water weight issue in line with their cycle every month.. So you will see a fluctuation of almost 1.5-2Kgs anyways every month... If you really dont want to lose weight and also continue to look lean, toned and well structured you have to let go of carbs partially,
introduce protein like 1:! ratio with carbs, limit your stress and learn to eat in proper time with proper food. If you are pure veg protein options are very limited but all of them are calorie high in value like paneer for example..
But then losing too much weight to fast is a bigger problem.. especially when you look at mirror without clothes you will see many areas getting either lose or muscle tone being not in sync with say a different toned firm body
if you cant do gym its fine but then prefer yoga and at least the surya namaskars.. its a very effective way of building muscles, firm body and away from weight fluctuations.. But yoga results are slow.. you have to give a long time over year or 2 to see a good solid results
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