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  • hi bro. do u know about bharat swabhiman andolan ?
    its a nationwide movement started by baba ramdev against corruption.
    i would request you to promote this mission actively among all ure friends, relatives and acquaintances.
    plz ask me if u have any questions regarding this.
    Just request the mods not to take any action cause i think someone has reported your post already..! And tell them that you already said sorry about it to CD..! Best of luck..!

    A humble request.. Next time if you see ajtr post, please restrain from any posting and let the post die its natural death. If we post anything into it, he gains undue importance. Ignore the post and move on. This is what i have been doing and fairly successful.

    Because even the greatest of modern day philosopher, Karl Marx, deemed the farmer and the working class people (the proletariat to be specific) to be the real harbingers of change.

    The previous guy wasn't a philosopher, he was a revolutionary poet.
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