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  • Hi ..I want to opena poll for Indians as to what should have been done during the Kandahar hijack time..

    Which section I can open.?
    Happy Independence Day sir.

    No, this is the same old account, WebMaster just changed the name.

    You sure you want me to post links? Its sort of long.
    Mayb if it is all that rosy...why dont we discuss abt it..?

    Debunk me with argument sire..not by locking threads.

    p.s.: Happy Independence Day.
    Sir why was the thread abt "Azad" Kashmir closed..? Is it not disputed and does it not come under the UN resolutions..?

    And abt the reason...can the same reason be applied to Pakistanis also rite..?

    Why dont u guys debate and show it is really Azad and not just in name.
    Dear Sir

    With all due respect to your judgement and position as a moderator i would ask why why threads which are based on J&K(Indian side) are allowed to run when a thread about Azad Kashmir was locked and this"Worry about your side of the Kashmir before worrying about this side.
    " was given as reason for closing that thread.
    Wouldn't the same statement apply to threads running on the Indian side of Kashmir.

    Thanking you,

    Yours Respectfully,
    235 pe a kar meri posts counting stop hogai hy. Ye kia problem hy. Help me to solve it out.
    Advance manana
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