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  • Bill Roggio said that there are no indications that Omar has been taken into custody so I guess we won't know anything for sure until I don't know when :)
    What I'm thinking about is the fact that only right-wing bloggers reported this news..."

    "...reported..." or repeated? All the sites I've seen attribute back to Brad Thor.

    "...there is nothing in, for example, New York Times or Washington Post."

    I haven't noticed anything reported by the Washington Times staff either although both Ollie North and Andrew Breitbart occasionally post commentaries there.
    "Recently rumours appeared about Mullah Omar's capture by Pakistani ISI..."

    Are you certain those rumors didn't actually intend "protective custody" instead?

    "...Do you think it could be true?"


    Thanks. Yeah, I missed that. Sorry. Wouldn't know. Wouldn't say if I did know.

    It's the NATION. What do you think? I missed the "new technique", btw.


    "Wednesday’s strike, according to American and Pakistani officials, was the result of steady intelligence-sharing between the countries’ intelligence services. The cooperation improved around the time of a secret visit to Washington in April by Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the chief of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, to meet his C.I.A. counterpart, Leon E. Panetta.

    At the meeting, the two sides agreed, among other things, to focus attention on striking the Mehsud network, the officials said.

    The accuracy of American drone strikes against the Mehsud network improved soon afterward: the result of information gleaned by Pakistani intelligence operatives using informants inside the network, communications intercepts, and satellite imagery shared by the American and Pakistani intelligence services, according to the officials."

    Sorry but I don't think I can help you. I read the newspapers carefully but it's all open-source info. Nothing you or others here can't read yourselves if you know where to look. Welcome to def.pk by the way.

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