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  • helllo i hate army i topped written test they rejected me on my chest./././.juss 3cm kam tha////.................................................how can we help pakistan
    Sir i have been waiting for you..
    i just need few minutes of you.. please reply when you are available!
    Assalaamu alaykum!

    (I'm new to this forum but i think you may have some knowledge regarding my questions)
    I am intending to submit my application form and interest in July this year for the PAF GDP position (as a female graduate position).

    Firstly i'd like to know when the deadline for the submission of the form is for this year?

    Also by what time/months would the test centres carry out interviews and medical/FAT etc tests? What do the PAF flying aptitude tests involve?


    P.S- I already have the PAF information booklet regarding the positions and tests but i'm still unsure about the flying aptitude test.

    Also is there anyone you would recommend me asking on this forum that may know further?
    Sir we need some juicy bits to make us happy,Please provide some Lolly pops for our joy. How are you otherwise.Will try and talk in the next couple of weeks.Salams to the family.
    Muradk saheb.
    Input needed on thread pak China relationship, especially with regards to PAF acquisition of F6s
    Sir, IF my A level result comes in February 2011, can I apply for PAF's august batch of 2010? with a hope letter that I'll get above the required marks? is it possible in any way? or will it be too late? =|
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