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  • The area of Pakistan, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia has a very clear history. No Semitic (Jewish-Arab) influence was known in this area before our blessed Islam (A Semitic) religion came into this region. All was Aryan and even to this day the people are of Aryan Race stock. We have no Macedonian or Greek blood genetic testing done at Oxford has removed this doubt. In fact the British made many of our tribal areas to believe that we were Greeks or Macedonians, We were Aryans much before even Alexander. Also Iran has Aryan written all over her past even way back in 6th century BC. So let is not get swayed to lose our identity.Tthe Kalash people are pure Aryans and also follow an Aryan religion and have nothing to do with Greeks or Macedonians. The Kalash language a Dardic Aryan language is original to this area for several millenia before Christ: Kalash People's Literature
    People like Ghazenfar Ali Khan claiming to be Macedonians has no real bearing and is only meant to obtain political and economical mileageNo one should be allowed to seduce us from our great past.
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