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Recent content by zabalestmsm

  1. zabalestmsm

    Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

    Fair referendum in the illegaly occupied Kashmir. Whatever their people want.
  2. zabalestmsm

    Why Afghanistan Is Going To Fall To The Taliban Again. And It's Not Why You Think.

    Interesting. Lets see how it goes. So far no visible signs of Taliban take over. Its gonna be tough for them this time as the Afghan army has been developed.
  3. zabalestmsm

    Erdoğan asks: Why is Russia so interested in Syria?

    They are going after ISIS. So instead Erdogan must support.
  4. zabalestmsm

    US lawmaker sponsors resolution in Congress to welcome Nawaz

    And Obama wont visit Pakistan. Huh.
  5. zabalestmsm

    Altaf/MQM abused ISI and Army & media persons of dire consequences if Altaf/MQM is criticized

    Even if its not confirmed still he had called Pakistan's creation a blunder once. And sadly many well known people in media and politics have soft corner for him and MQM. And media gives so much coverage to him, which is shocking.
  6. zabalestmsm

    What are the 'Must Read' books about Pakistan?

    Profiles of Intelligence.
  7. zabalestmsm

    Prediction about Pakistan in next few Weeks

    I know one thing that in these upcoming days Pakistan has the best chance to get rid of this unconstitutional democracy via TUQ or IK. Rest i cant predict what will happen.
  8. zabalestmsm

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    I support TUQ and IK both here as both have movement against this status quo. IK however wants mid term election. While TUQ wants interim setup and changing the system and doing accountability etc and then election. I would prefer TUQ's idea more. But still the need of the hour is removal of...
  9. zabalestmsm

    Countering arrests, PTI plans strategic maneuvering

    The current government failed to fulfill their promise of ending load shedding within 9 or 6 months. So it makes them liars. And according to article 62 and 63 they stand disqualified. Now its the job of SC or Parliamentarians to remove them. But both arent doing anything. Hence people will come...
  10. zabalestmsm

    PTI lead 11th May anti rigging protest in D-Chowk Islamabad | Updates & Discussions.

    I smell a secret "Muk Mukka" b/w PTI and PML(N). This was the most useless protest. I think MNS is using IK to counter TUQ. TUQ's way and vision is the right one which PTI may or may not realize. There is no democracy in Pakistan. IK is intentionally or unintentionally fooling us.
  11. zabalestmsm

    Respected Gen. Musharraf defended Pakistan in all fronts.

    For me he was a very sincere person towards Pakistan. I can say this with 100% surety. Mistakes and blunders aside on which i dont have the credibility to comment.
  12. zabalestmsm

    IMF sees surge in Pak economy

    Hate this IMF. It has made us hostage. PML(N) u will have to end this loan!
  13. zabalestmsm

    Losing ground: 30,000 Hazaras fled Balochistan in five years

    Overall Balochistan is stable. Recently many terrorists were wiped out.
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