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Recent content by yjs14

  1. Y

    The new SAC 5 generation stealth fighter

    It's just a reason for date. NO celebrate~
  2. Y

    The new SAC 5 generation stealth fighter

    Youtube please!:bounce:
  3. Y

    J-20 and T-50, which is better?

    T-50!!! Of couse It's the best!!!:yahoo: India+Russia>China T-50>J-20 That's Common Sense.hah:cheesy:
  4. Y

    China Gifts J-10 jets to Sri Lanka

    HA:woot:~~~ What is your opinion???
  5. Y

    New CRH400A 001 Train

    Fvcking sexy!I love her~~~:partay:
  6. Y

    China keen to up military ties with Iran

    It's a must!!!
  7. Y

    China has the right to develop new weapons the same as the West

    Oh Nice title,it is the art of speaking but I preferred this one: China has the right to copy everything in the world in the universe! Come on! Copycat! Copy it! Copy it! Copy it!......
  8. Y

    Defections by Chinese fighter pilots to Taiwan

    sh1t~ From Taiwan to DC,via China :bunny:
  9. Y

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
  10. Y

    does China have a ICBM base in Africa ?

    I think your professor hates you. He lied to you.And you sent these wrong informations to us. And you were humiliated by us. So you really need to hate your professor!
  11. Y

    What is Russia's importance in this day and age?

    you speak like a native Taiwanese!:rofl::rofl::argh:
  12. Y

    What is Russia's importance in this day and age?

    oh no~~~Both the West and Russia are so important to India! india is flattering both for getting the cheap weapons! But~~~~it doesn't seem to work...
  13. Y

    China's New Weapon Pictures

    That's just a new space rocket!
  14. Y

    Can China get defeated ?

    What a bullshit~
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