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As salam 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi was baraketou

1) Tell your interests?

As a computer science student, I have a big interest in computer engineering, programming languages, calculus, and technologies. I also have an interest in history, economy, religions, and geopolitics. Kind of psychology, mass information, and public opinion trend as well.

I also like sports like football (soccer) occasionally and combat sport like the English box, the Thai box, jiujutsu, and judo.

Finally, I like manga and video games too.

2) How did you find us?

I was looking for a subject concerning Dubai online and fall on this forum.

3) What interests you here?

I have seen my Muslim brothers talking and arguing here - I would be interested to be part of the conversation and exchange knowledge with them. Unfortunately, I do not speak Arabic and I live in Canada, so this forum allowing exchange in English and regrouping Muslims strongly touch me and I would really like to exchange ideas and knowledge with Muslims around the world.

4) What is your profession?

I'm a student in computer science.

5) Your nationality and/or origin?

I'm a Kabyle from Algeria and I currently live in Canada.

6) Futur plan?

Inshallah get married and build a family. Also, pursuing in my field: computer science.
Jan 1, 1990 (Age: 34)
Air Force
How did you find us? Facebook, google, etc
By seeking information about a subject on Google. I like your website, it's the first time I find a website that seems exclusive to Muslims where they can argue about different subjects.
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